Loving Merritt After 4

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Merritt's mouth was watering. The scent of blood all around was fresh, pure and full of life. Better than memories of gardens full of herbs and flowers. This was also far more exciting than flowers could ever be. As she tried to take in everything she was struck as she realised that no, this wasn't anything like flowers. Or gardens. Or anything she tried to remember of being human. 

Merritt was fascinated looking at a woman bound in what had to be meters upon meters of rope. Each breast tightly bound in lines of rope, lifted and separated. Nipples on both breasts taut pearled peaks. Coils of rope around her arms, circling her torso, a double band of rope against her clit and between her lower lips. Her skin shone with a thin sheen of sweat from the effort of staying balanced on her toes as she hung safely suspended from a hook in the ceiling while her master fed from her throat and fucked her juicy round ass. A silent scream of ecstasy on her lips as she came, the air filling with the scent of pheromones as the sub's pussy dribbled down her thighs while the vampire kept fucking her hard and fast.

An adventure for another night. Merritt promised herself, making her eyes turn away from the beautiful vision. Merritt was certainly going to do some more research on bondage. If Asher had to spend so much time tied up, it would be lovely to find the most pleasurable way for all involved. "What do you think, love?" Levi probed after Merritt had looked around without speaking for far too long.

Merritt licked her lips. "I was thinking of how to bind Asher in more," Merritt looked at the woman, spent, pure bliss on her face as her vampire licked the bleeding wound on her throat. Helping the mark heal without a scar. "More pleasurable ways." She told her maker. No more secrets between them ever.

"Beautiful thoughts my love." He smiled down at his perfect treasure. "Smell anyone good in the air?" He quested. He hoped there was someone on offer whose blood sang to Merritt. Wanting her to have the best experience possible tonight in every way. There were sadly still a few things that were out of his control. He couldn't ensure that there was a donor here who would catch Merritt's demon's attention. Levi himself knew he had a taste for A+ blood types, exactly the type Merritt had been when she lived. A true shame she had been taken from life sooner than either had been ready for.

Levi watched Merritt close her eyes, breathe in deeply through her nose, focus on the scents in the air. Her eyes flew open. Glowing bright in the night. "I do." She said, licking her lips once again. Breathing in once again turning her head to find the direction. Levi released Merritt's hand, letting her go to hunt the blood that had enticed her tonight, see if it was someone on offer.

Merritt wound her way around the entire club. Finding a two top table, with a single, volunteer sat almost hidden in the shadows. Far away from the main crowd and bar. Merritt sat down with the young woman. The donor was wearing a modest, but well made and fitting black dress. Levi leaned against the wall, ready to intercept any who might try and interrupt Merritt and her pursuit. Zach followed Levi's lead, and also took his own feigned nonchalant appearing posture on another wall.

"Hello." Merritt said to the angry looking human she had sat down with. 

The woman looked at Merritt, taking in her bright red eyes with a look of surprise. "Hey." The woman replied back. "Feed only." The volunteer told Merritt. Wriggling in her chair. "It's my first night, I need the money for school." She admitted. A brief moment of vulnerability; before looking angry again, almost like she was surprised that she had revealed that much personal information to Merritt.

Merritt nodded her head. "I am an excellent tipper, and I tip students twice as well." Merritt purred, her fangs had descended, she was so eager. Just a taste to saite her desire. Then maybe fill up on someone less tasty to ensure Asher could get a second hand high through Merritt when he fed from her later tonight. "Come we have a booth, you should have a meal, and a drink with us." Even red cross blood donors got a cookie and some juice when they donated blood. Merritt and Levi should certainly do better for those that provided for them. Merritt wanted to take care of the person who was willing to give her such a wonderful gift and experience.

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