Loving Merritt After 24

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Gentle lovely readers, Merritt is not going to have a very nice time. If you came for a happy ending, abandon ship now. The ending has not yet been written, but a happy ending for her and her men is not in the cards I am afraid. 

You have been warned. 

Merritt's unease was not assuaged in the slightest when the car finally came to a stop. They had driven so quickly and the final roads so dark that not even Merritt's enhanced senses were able to read or even see the road signs that had been rarely flying past the windows. The woods had been dark and deep around the narrow lane as the car made one last turn. The distance long from the turn to when Merritt finally saw the lights of an expansive, old world manner style home. Manicured gardens with low stone walls curling around the drive, A tasteful, green painted metal, permanent awning stretching from the front door to the driveway.

The moment the car stopped, Mary appeared at Merritt's door, letting her out, and offering her hand. "Come with me darling, I'm certain my pets have missed me terribly." Unsure where she was; With out a cell phone, and only her single suitcase of belongings; Merritt knew she needed to at least take a moment to make a plan.

Sweet Merritt had expected cats, or dogs, maybe a parrot since they live long lives as Mary's pets. She was not expecting to see a group of people, scantily clad in gold bikini or speedos waiting in a semi circle around the door when it was opened from the inside just ahead of Merritt and Mary's approach. None of the human's looked well. Some were clearly wobbling on their feet like they were exhausted. Merritt did not like this new development not one bit. There was something wrong with all of the human's eyes. It was like they were all hollow, matching, fawning gazes locked on Mary.

Each person had a symbol tattooed on their chests, looking like the exact same artist had done each and every single one. It wasn't until Mary began to call out some of the symbols and the people with the matching tattoo's perked to life and rushed to do as instructed.

Rose, with a rose silhouette on her breast, rushed to take Merritt's bag to a room that had already been prepared for her. Rose didn't look like she was strong enough to lift Merritt's relatively small suitcase. Assuring Merritt that she had made a terrible miscalculation when she agreed to go to a second location with a vampire she didn't know.

After Rose began her struggle down the hall with Merritt's bag, Mary called out for Leo and Sigma to go and get her own luggage from the car. Star, Club, Diamond, Treble, Rook, Raven were told to go away with a wave of Mary's hand. Leaving Hart, Merritt would have thought he was called stag from the antlered deer on his chest, last was Libra, a woman who could have been truly beautiful. If her eyes weren't so dead and her expression lifeless. The delicately styled scales on her chest only competed for attention with her perfect body that was fully on display.

Every single one of the pets was riddled with bite marks. Scars that looked fresh to years old on all of them. Once Mary had assigned her pets their roles for the evening her attention turned to Merritt. "Well, surprises never cease, I was certain I would need to find at least one new pet once you were done with them. Don't my lovelies tempt you?" Mary's lips curled down into an exaggerated frown.

Merritt was baffled for what would be an appropriate answer. "They are lovely?" She quested, choosing to say something honest and see where that went. Regardless of how Merritt morally felt about the trouble she found herself in, she could still appreciate that Mary had an eye for exquisite beauty. That Mary ruined. Mary was studying Merritt's face. As Merritt tried to not be repulsed by the beautiful husks of people around her. Merritt had been in a natural history museum once, she had hated loving how beautiful all the butterfly specimens had been while knowing they had died to sit their boxes, arranged and pinned into position. 

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