Loving Merritt After 22

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Merritt awoke from her rest state, unsure exactly what it was she was feeling that alerted her to the fact that Levi knew where she was now, and was certainly on his way. Merritt's time alone was coming to an end, and she wasn't sure if she was ready. She still felt very angry towards Levi. Was devastated That Asher's demon had severed her from him. She also still had no idea what exactly it was she wanted to do with herself. She had endless time in front of her. Eternity without a purpose or drive seemed more a nightmare than a dream.

Merritt wished she could have more time to think about what she, herself actually wanted from her second chance at a life. Merritt decided to try and fit as much of the offered experiences possible into whatever time she had left on her own. There had been several options that spoke to her in the guest services binder she had read from the desk drawer in her suite.

Merritt called the concierge for the resort, to see if it would be possible to join some of the already scheduled activities this evening. Merritt was in luck, She was able to join and add her attendance to every thing she wanted for the night. Starting with a horseback trek through the woods. A chance to experience nature, with a horse that was raised to be accustomed to vampires, as well as trained to walk from lantern post, to lantern post along a marked woods trail under the stars.

Merritt was short on time as she changed into jeans, and the one pair of boots she had packed. They weren't really riding boots but they were going to have to do. Merritt buttoned herself into a fraser plaid flannel. Braided her hair before twisting it into a bun and securing with a white scrunchie. Deciding this was as woods like as she could get herself with what she had on hand.

Merritt ran through the hotel down to the yard and down the trail to the stables. Finding she was the last of a group of roughly a dozen vampires to arrive. Knowing it for certain when the host of the ride called her out as the last he was expecting that evening. Merritt did her best to not let on that she was bothered at being last. She was a prompt person. Last to arrive had never been her.

Merritt realized her mistake almost immediately. She had forgotten to put on any contacts to hide the unmistakable glow to her eyes when she had rushed to join the group activity before they departed from the stables. She had needed to run almost a kilometer from the resort to the barn. Merritt came to a stop as a vampire was mounting the first horse. All eyes turning to look at her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Merritt offered, weakly. Resulting in low murmurs, and chuckles from a few of the guests who also fancied a night ride on a horse.

Too many eyes stayed focused on Merritt and the unnatural glow to her eyes, marking her as a newly turned. The resort employee, continued to help vampires mount their horses. There were eleven other vampires here, besides Merritt herself. Merritt felt like she was back in middle school, too much attention with no one speaking to you directly was never, ever good for your reputation.

Slowly, each of the vampires were seated onto placid, well trained horses, and sent out to enjoy the night air. Merritt stayed where she was. She had been last to arrive, and would be last to be mounted. Giving everyone else more time to gawk at her while they waited. A woman who was dressed like she was more familiar with the Victorian era than modern life was the first to approach Merritt. Smiling as she walked across the hitching grounds just outside the barn.

Merritt immediately knew this was a much older, and much stronger vampire than she herself was. As the stranger extended a gloved hand out towards Merritt in greeting. "Lady Mary St. Martin, and who might you be?" An accent like Levi's that caused her stomach to clench at the reminder of who she was currently still mad at.

"Ursala Singh" Merritt answered easily with a lie. Mary smiled at her, fangs just barely showing in her mirthful smile.

Shaking her head gently and still smiling, "No you aren't but you can keep your secrets for now dolly girl." Mary's hand cupped Merritt's face in an intimate gesture. "Such a pretty face, is your sire with you?" Mary asked, questing too close to things Merritt did not want to talk about.

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