Loving Merritt After 3

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The aerial silks were pulled up towards the ceiling and hidden away shortly after the performer took her last bow. Merritt was sad the performance she had been enjoying was over, and more than excited to see what might be coming next. The night was later, and this was a club that catered to particular interests. Blood and pleasure. It all seemed a little too tame so far for what she had been expecting.

Unknown to Merritt; There were rules while at Maroon. The front was for pleasure only. The front end safety net for any who may accidentally wander inside. They would be quickly found and escorted out of the club. The first checkpoint, before the real Maroon, hidden behind the club. "She's cleared one. Ready to see the real Maroon Merritt?" Zach asked her. Making jealousy and covetous thoughts burn through Levi. Merritt was his.

Thankfully, his little dove looked to him. "This isn't the real club?" Merritt asked Levi. Confused.

"This is the appetiser, You are doing amazing Merritt." Levi praised his girl. Loving how she smiled at him. Almost the same as before. The blonde hair continued to try and make Merritt look less than she was, when she smiled it was possible to hide. She was going to cause a stir tonight. He hoped she enjoyed the attention she was going to get.

Levi himself was in awe and in love with Merritt as a vampire. No newly turned had so quickly gained control like she had. Levi knew she would be fine once on the other side. Vampires needed to feed. Blood was life. Merritt would be perfect.

Levi wanted to know if she could handle her blood lust even when fresh blood was perfuming the air. When people were doing lascivious and scandalously dark things for others viewing pleasure. For if Merritt could still control herself in Maroon, then he could start hunting with her. The number of magical and supernatural creatures flocking to the city had increased. It was the same in many other regions on earth as those Fae who did not want the difficult life of rebuilding under vastly different and untested leaders after a war that had destroyed most of the main cities.

The draw of magic was bringing more and more unsavoury persons to Levi's city. Trash needed tending to from time to time to maintain the balance. Levi had devised a rubric, shortly after industrialisation had changed how people lived, and brought out more violence in city streets that quickly grew too crowded, with too poor a standard of living. A means to test the sum of a person's crimes against the effect in society. Ensuring only true monsters were removed by Levi. He had updated some wording of a few criteria points with the times but his well researched score card had served him well.

Funny thing about only killing monsters, rarely did anyone put much effort into finding out what truly happened to the monster when they seemed to vanish into thin air. Never to be seen again. With Merritt by his side; Levi restrained himself from shuddering in anticipation. His demon planning the games they could play together in the dark nights. She would make such perfect bait for those who wouldn't be able to tell what she was until it was too late. Levi fantasied as they walked to the subtle door that was marked staff only. At the back of the coat check. Levi moved sinuously around Merritt to watch her face, as she took in everything.

The dedicated slaves on leashes for their vampires. Living as little more than contented house pets of their own free will. As was always the rule at Maroon ever since it had opened. Consenting bleeders only. Somewhere in the room or nearby was a psychic witch, making sure no one's mind had been hypnotised or were held against their will.

A beautiful sex show as a female Vampire worked her bear shifter slave over with a crop. A jagged, fresh, rough Vampire claiming mark on his chest. Levi would have never marked Merritt's beautiful skin like Tati had. The bear she was keeping wore it well at least. The sex show was mostly done as a distraction. As willing, unpaired donors waited at their designated tables to be approached, or the bolder ones wandered around the crowd, offering themselves and what packages they were offering this evening. The moment Merritt arrived, along with the chaperone Zach, several of the donors perked up. Clearly aware of what they were seeing.

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