Loving Merritt After 5

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Merritt and Levi went to sit themselves in the section that indicated they were looking to feed again this evening, after Merritt's perfect first taste. Clearly, Merritt had been noticed, and almost as soon as they were comfortable, volunteers began to make themselves known. The pompous lion who had now struck out with Merritt twice now had thankfully, already left for the evening.

Several men were the first to come up. None interested Merritt, who was feeling much bolder now and quickly dismissed all of them. Not until a tall and physical goddess of a woman pushed away a man who was still trying to convince Merritt he could give her something she was missing out on, did Merritt finally get excited. As though any human man could compare in any possible way to Levi or Asher. Or give her anything the two men together could not give her. Though Asher's desire to pleasure his partner remained strong, now his demon liked to push pleasure until it surpassed sensation into pain.

Merritt could take whatever Asher's demon needed. While the mental capacity of her demon seemed reduced, Merritt was not handicapped, her body would heal almost any wound short of decapitation. She was stronger, faster, more beautiful, Merritt was a vampire in control. Merritt heard the voice of the woman who said she had twisted fate on Merritt's behalf. Instead of death, this was her happy ending and her true beginning.

Merritt had finally perked up. The brave wanton woman brave enough to approach a new vampire was beautiful. Long lean muscles, with shoulders and hips and glorious curves between. Wearing a glittering, black dress that barely covered her strong body from nipples to the tops of her muscular thighs Merritt knew what she wanted. Crooking her finger towards the woman and inviting her to join their table for a conversation. Levi whispered in Merritt's ear "If you would like a room, only say the words Merritt." She smiled at Levi. Already knowing she had permission to play with her food tonight. Asher was nearly counting on it.

Levi leapt to pull out the chair for their guest. Being the perfect, old world English gentleman he had always considered himself to be. Regardless of how many siblings had shared the tick with him when he had lived in a one room, thatched roof home. Returning to sit beside Merritt with impossible, vampire speed.

Merritt was about to introduce herself when the woman took over the conversation at the table and introduced herself, confidently. "Jada. You, baby vamp, are new." Levi felt Merritt's excitement grow as Jada's eyes raked over Merritt. Merritt was caught off guard by someone being so aggressively forward and left speechless, Jada kept right on going. "I saw Zach shadowing you. Was that your first time with the one and done?" Jada used her hand to mime fangs sinking into her own arm.

"First time here." Merritt said diplomatically. Not exactly answering the full question.

Jada smiled, as predatory as any wolf. Asher would have liked her too Merritt thought to herself. "Oh she is too damn cute to be a vampire Levi." Jada said, revealing that Jada was already familiar with Levi. Merritt wasn't jealous, Jada was a tasty treat she was going to give a try herself tonight. That Jada and Levi already seemed friendly was nothing that worried Merrittt. She knew what her and Levi were to each other, and it was much more than a quick fuck and feed for money.

"Care to rattle through your limits Jada? See if my Meri is interested." Using the nickname they agreed on in public. Merritt wasn't a common name and someone might remember the name from the news considering how recent her kidnapping and declared death had been.

Jada wriggled in her chair, barely hiding a smile as she adjusted herself. "One bite each only, safe word Monsoon. I like it rough, bruises fine but other than your bites no breaking the skin. Ask. Consent. Go. For all sexual activity beyond two fingers, tongue or cock." Jada eye fucked Merrittt again, licking her lips, appreciatively. It wasn't often your dinner made you feel like a snack.

"Feel like I should ask the baby her limits too." Jada said, a very seductive glint in her eyes. Levi chuckled.

Putting his arm around Merritt, kissing the side of her head. Proud, with a smile on his face telling Jada, "I assure you Cherries, Merritt can take anything you want to give her." Merritt felt Levi move his hand, signing to the bartender. For a private room.

Almost instantly, a vampire employee arrived at their table, offering to escort them to Mr. Wallace's private room. Merritt looked up at him. Levi shrugged, "I liked my own space." Levi Looked at Merritt, whatever he had once kept for himself was hers now. Kissing her hand. "What's mine is yours." He told her as they followed the employee, Jada on their heels, laser focused on Merritt's ass with her eyes.

Levi stepped back to let Merritt walk into the room first, joining Jada to watch as his sweet little dove experienced his play room for the first time. The entire right wall was a plethora of sex toys, each one displayed like a hunter would have shown off trophies. Merritt, Levi and Asher had a substantial collection of toys at the apartment now. There wasn't enough wall or storage space for the collection in Levi's room at Maroon at their nest.

Merritt did a full circle. The room felt like a hotel room, except that Merritt could recognise the subtle touches that were all Levi. The dark stained wood used on the counter top under the sex toy wall. The black tiled floor, the black satin sheets he liked on their bed at home were on the bed here. Several of the toys on the wall were familiar to Merritt, because Levi had duplicates at home.

Merritt opened the first drawer, soft leather, well tooled cuffs and leg restraints. The second drawer ropes of various colours, and textures from cotton soft to rough and biting cord. The next drawer held chains and unyielding metal restraints. Exciting possibilities Merritt hadn't ever considered started to bloom in her mind.

Those she would save for later, she wanted her first time with a woman, first time with a new playmate to be one where everyone could touch as much as they wanted. A very hands on affair was what she wanted. "Merritt?" Levi said, using the voice that always promised excellent times ahead. Merritt grew excited as she turned away from exploring the room and what was available.

Looking very much like a naughty child who had been caught with her hand in a cookie jar, Merritt turned to face Levi and Jada just inside the room. They had been watching her as she investigated. "You promise she's a vampire Levi?" Jada asked, eyeing Merritt up and down like she was prey. "She can take it?" Jada asked again.

"Merritt wants anything you can give her Cherries." Levi's hand whipped around with vampire speed to crack a sharp spanking on Jada's full ass cheek just as Jada launched herself at Merritt.

Merritt was unprepared. Mouth hanging open in shock as Jada conquered Merritt's lips with her own. Tongue ravishing Merritt's mouth. Merritt couldn't stop herself from moaning. Jada smelled so good, and she tasted like Merritt remembered sweet ripe cherries on her tongue. Explaining Levi's nickname instantly. Her body was warm, the sound of her living heart and body music in Merritt's ears. Jada roughly tangled one hand in Merritt's hair, slamming Merritt's back against the wall, but preventing Merritt's head from cracking against the black stone of the wall with her hand. A sweet, but unneeded gesture. Merritt appreciated Jada's thoughtful, yet rough handling.

Jada's knee moved to part Merritt's legs, before using her foot to nudge Merritt's legs into a wide stance. Never once did Jada stop kissing Merritt. Merritt was touching Jada gently. Not wanting to be too rough and hurt the human. Her hair was so full of living scents, of life as Merritt's fingers teased through the short hair, blunt nails raking over her scalp, rewarding Merritt with a shiver of pleasure from her new partner for this evening.

Merritt's other hand skimming along Jada's side. Feeling her ribs and muscles work as she breathed. Jada bit down on Merritt's lower lip, the same time Jada took full control of Merritt's body. One hand and her body keeping Merritt pinned to the wall, her other hand went past Merritt's hem to her the apex of her wide open legs, two fingers plunging into Merritt's always willing body. Jada worked Merritt's sex hard and fast. Thumb rubbing hard patterns over her clit while her two fingers worked inside Merritt's channel. Rushing Merritt over the peak of the first orgasm of the night. Certainly not the last though.

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