Loving Merritt After 15

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Hours later. Many broken bones, and forms of torture enacted. Endless promises from the wolf that he wouldn't ever hurt another person as long as he lived if Asher would just let him go had finally turned to begging for the kind release of death. The sport was finally gone, Levi took one last pull from the fleeting amount of blood left, Merritt held up her hand, her was full already. Before Asher finished by plucking Mr. Wood's still slowly beating heart from his chest. Smashing through his ribs as though there was no resistance. Eating the muscle whole in several savage bites.

The enormous open warehouse space felt like it was impossibly quiet now. No sounds of breathing beyond the rats. No loud heart beat signalling the living, warm blood that was so tempting to all vampires. Taking out his phone to activate the industrial incinerator. Allowing it to heat up. The sound of fire and fans giving the building some life again Levi told Asher to take the body and ensure it burned. Tossing the drained lifeless body into the already burning fires. The fun was done. While Asher worked to set the furnace properly for an entire cremation. Levi went to his good girl. "Did you have a nice evening love?" He asked Merritt. Her eyes were heavy. She was over full on blood and tired from tonight's events. His eternal smiling housecat. How he adored her.

Merritt looked at Asher, his hair was a mess, blood spatter on his clothes, his skin naturally smooth with no sign of sweat as he worked near the ever hot furnace. She knew Asher was thrilled with tonight, had been so happy to taste fresh blood. To bring torment to someone who truly deserved an awful end. "Tonight was perfect." Merritt told Levi. Both her maker and her sired had enjoyed this evening's events. That should have been enough for Merritt. She felt like her mind was slow after so much activity in such a short span of time after weeks of simple, small lives. She couldn't think what could possibly be giving her the feeling that something wasn't right at the moment. She was too full of happiness and blood to focus on whatever it was. 

Levi broke the salt circle on the warehouse floor. Ending the spell and allowing the vampires the opportunity to return home. Asher finished ensuring the propane powered fire would do its work completely. Closing the hatch. The sun would set on a new night soon. Levi bid Asher and Merritt to get in the car and the family of vampires drove back to Merritt's apartment, and their nest.

Asher was all over Merritt in the car as Asher drove. So thankful to his maker. So thrilled with all the fun he had enjoyed this evening as he kissed and tasted Merritt. The taste of her and fresh blood on her skin. It was Euphoric for Asher after his confinement. Similarly, it was a kind of torture to not be able to watch clearly or participate for Levi, but Merritt ensured things did not go to far until they had arrived home. Levi parked the car and allowed Asher and Merritt a head start. Asher was a truly gore covered nightmare and he had gotten Merritt smeared with the unappealing tasting trash they had taken out this evening.

Levi was going to need to have a shower and clean room installed at the warehouse as soon as possible. He also now needed to arrange for the car to be expertly detailed to get the blood stains out of the upholstery. He knew Merritt and Asher were enjoying their shower as he played the grownup and made sure everything was taken care of. Checking his messages and disappointed to find that his source was still unable to find a new witch to produce the useful bottled binding spell, or one to permanently seal the warehouse for him like the apartment had been. Morally chaotic witches were becoming a rarity.

A pity. Truly. True white witches would sooner burn Levi and his family to ashes than do anything that could possibly be construed as assistance to a vampire. Dark witches were not worth the risk of ever approaching or giving financial support to. One tangle in the mid eighteen hundreds with a coven who proved darker than they appeared had been enough to ensure Levi wouldn't make a similar mistake in the future.

Knowing Merritt would like some assistance wearing out Asher from his blood high, Levi concluded his business. Leaving the keys in the car for his employees to take care of. Levi headed towards his home, hearing sweet Merritt's moans over the sound of shower as he entered the apartment.

Smiling, Levi tore the clothes from his body, and ran to the bathroom, the door already wide open. Looking in on a glorious sight. Asher had Merritt's back against the tiled wall of the shower. Looking like a younger version of herself with the wig from this evening's ruse still in place on her head. Though the clothes were gone and the makeup long smeared, though the effect only enhanced her beauty to Levi.

Balanced precariously on the toes of a single foot on the slippery wet floor. Her other leg hitched up on Asher's shoulder, Asher was being rough enough that if Merritt hadn't been strong enough to stand and hold her own the tiles behind her would have cracked already from the pounding force Asher was using as he fucked Merritt with reckless abandon.

Merritt was beautiful, stretched apart and taking Asher's dick deep in her perfect pussy, mouth open as she came with a silent scream, nails dug into Asher's back, hard enough to make his black blood start to well in the indents of her puncture wounds. Asher bit down, hard on Merritt's shoulder as he came himself. Body tensing. It had been beautiful, until Levi heard the sound of Asher biting Merritt hard enough to break her collarbone with his jaws.

In a fraction of a second, Levi was there. Punching Asher where his jaw met his skull, breaking the bone under his fist in an instant. Ending Asher's ability to continue to keep biting down on Merritt's shoulder as his mouth went slack. Jaw shattered from the punch.

Levi picked up Asher, dropping him over the edge of the bath to land in a heap on the floor. The moment his hands let go of Asher, Levi only had eyes and thoughts for Merritt, ignoring Asher as he tried to lisp out his protestations with a slight fracture to his jaw from hitting the floor face first. Just as Levi intended. Levi watched Merritt as she rubbed her broken shoulder. Small trails of her dark blood welling up to run down the shower drain. Wincing as the bones began to knit themselves back together under her skin that wouldn't ever visibly bruise again.

"Are you okay love?" Levi asked the only person in the room that truly mattered to him. Merritt still had stars in her eyes from her orgasm. Barely deterred by the single broken bone. She was slowly coming back to her senses. Her mind helped by the sharp ache in her shoulder from her bone working its way back to whole.

She nodded at her maker. "I will be shortly." pulling the wig from her hair with her good hand. Levi helped her remove the wig cap, pins, and braids holding her natural hair bound. Revealing his true Merritt back to the world. Helping her rinse any remaining styling products from her hair under the running water. Leaving his Merritt, perfect just as she was.

Gently using his hand, and the running water, Levi washed the trails of mascara from Merritt's cheeks. Tucking her hair behind her ears. Once she was clean, helping her as she moved to step out of the shower. His clothes dripping onto the tiled floor as he ensured she did not slip. Grabbing a towel for his love with his other hand, as his other held Merritt's still good hand as she stepped from the slippery bath to the now wet tiled floor.

Levi took tender, loving care of his girl, while Asher inelegantly got himself up from the floor. His jaw still hanging limp, a shoulder popping back into place as he stretched when he finally took a standing position. "Finish showering the gore from your person and clean the bathroom." Levi growled at Asher. A command not a request. Then ignoring Asher completely, Levi toweled his girl dry from her shower. Wrapping the extra large towel around her body for her. Living for her smile as she looked up at him, the two made their way upstairs while Asher cleaned.

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