Loving Merritt After 13

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Asher was buckled into the back seat of Levi's car, the dark tinted windows on the rear windows making sure that no one could see what looked like a bound kidnapping victim. Merritt sat in the front seat with Levi as he drove them all back to the warehouse. There was now a closed in parking space on the other side of the garage door. The air smelled of fresh paint, was dusty in Merritt's nose as she exited the car.

Levi picked up the still bound Asher, moving to one of the two doors in the new garage space. "Get the door love?" Levi prompted Merritt. Who jumped into action, turning the know for Levi. The warehouse had not seen that much in the way of renovations. There was a heavy I-beam frame. Secured to the concrete floor with bolts that had heads as wide as Merritt's wrist.

Levi stood Asher on his feet in the frame, using chains to continue to bind Asher into place. Hopefully he wouldn't need to wait long. He was doing his best to behave. There was a look in his eyes that made Merritt slightly nervous to leave him here. "Tell your pet to behave Merritt and we will be one our way." Levi instructed, finishing his work securing the various chains, cuffs, and locks.

Merritt stood up straighter. "Asher, you will stay here and wait for me." She said, mostly sounding confident, doing her best to make sure it was very clear that she meant her command.

Asher licked his lips. "Yes Mistress." Levi sighed loudly, pouring a path of salt around Asher, mumbling words Merritt didn't understand and dropping a vial onto the salt. Foot tall blue flames burst into existence on Levi's salt path.

"Now even if Asher manages to get out like a modern Houdini, the laws of nature will bind him in this ring until I break it." Levi flashed his demon's face at Asher. Reminding the baby vampire who was in command here. Levi then began to ignore Asher and focus on Merritt, after his little magic trick she was feeling more relaxed. Levi and Merritt drove back into the city. Levi dropped her off several blocks away, so she could walk into the club alone.

Levi would already be inside, waiting, and watching. Once Mr. Wood took Merritt away, she would need to incapacitate him, and then her and Levi would take him to the warehouse. Where he would spend the rest of his short life in terror and pain.

"Just be yourself, love." Levi told an adorably nervous Merritt as he dropped her off for her short walk to the bar. Driving to block and double parking. Tossing the keys behind him as his waiting pit crew were already in place waiting for him. Levi strode into the club, bought a single drink at the bar, and went to lounge in the shadows near the speakers. He could see most of the club from there and the overly loud and less than ideally mixed sound from the speakers kept back the crowd.

The bar was unpretentious, with cheap drinks and in easy walking distance to one of the university campuses in the city. A constantly revolving population of young women for a predator to hunt in. Levi took note of the crowd, the girls were young and the men who seemed like regulars were getting too long in the tooth to be eyeing the young women like they were.

Levi saw no one who could hold a candle to his Merritt. If their monster was here, she would attract him. The real test would be if he would be able to tell that sweet Merritt was far more than she seemed. Should their target catch on to the game was no matter. All they needed to really do was find him. Then Levi would find a way to still snare their quarry.

As though his thoughts could summon his little dove. There she was, looking sad and out of place. Walking directly to the bar and ordering herself a double whiskey sour. Levi smiled from his hidden corner. Knowing his girl still enjoyed how the acidic alcoholic drink still made her tongue buzz just a little bit. A hint of what she couldn't ever experience again. He liked the ruse she was playing, coming in looking sad and lost, drinking strong liquor quickly. She was signaling vulnerability so perfectly.

Except Levi could feel her heart, she was his. She was angry and full of fire. She wanted to be the most perfect looking victim. She was full of vengeance for those who had been hurt by the monster they were hunting. Levi couldn't wait to see Merritt and Asher work together tonight. Merritt's first vengeance fueled evening had been a beautiful still life painting for Levi when he came upon it. He wanted to live in the moment with her.

Merritt drank the first drink very quickly, flagging the bartender and getting another. She was looking around, her eyes were sad, ankles crossed with her little feet perched on the rung of the bar stool she was sat on. So much like the night Asher and Levi had met her, except her dress was small and black this time. Merritt was a whole new woman.

Levi had not seen their target. Looking around the bar from the shadows as Merritt looked like a perfcect target.  Levi did note there were several other rogue wolves in the bar, they were behaving themselves. Being gentlemen as far as Levi could tell from his secretive alcove. Being a lone wolf didn't always dictate a bad character. Levi could understand a need for solitude.

Though Levi was still optimistic their target would appear tonight.He was itching for some kind of action. The anticipation had been building for him since Merritt had first been turned. He was on edge, eager for them to succeed. To hunt with his love.

Merritt again downed a drink too quickly, switching to a double tequila. One of the rogue wolves was eagerly grinding on a sweet smelling little human on the dance floor now. Levi had a feeling the wild wolf was going to find himself domesticated tonight. He smiled and wished the two a happy future. He was in a good mood, and happy to spare a thought for more good things in the world.

Merritt took a sip of her new drink, her body doing a beautiful little shimmy of her body like she was deeply affected by the alcohol. Even though Levi knew it was all a ruse, he found himself drawn to her act. She took her phone out of her bag, saw the screen with no missed messages, a delicate finger just barely touching the corner of her eye, like she could perhaps be holding back tears.

That had done it, from the shadows at the rear of the club, the hidden monster appeared. Looking so normal and harmless. Light brown crew cut hair, a plain all American athletic kind of build and a face that could have been right at home as a catalog model. Mr. Wood was nearly forty now, but thanks to his shifter nature he was aging remarkably well. Still certainly too old to be prowling around a bar popular for freshmen.

Levi watched with a satisfied grin as their target took the seat next to Merritt. Flashing a charming and disarming smile, as his eyes looked his girl up and down. Appraising what was Levi's, like he had a right to judge Merritt. Levi was going to make him suffer for that look alone.

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