Loving Merritt After 9

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Time continued to pass. First weeks, then months. Asher was still unable to control his blood lust. Merritt and Levi continued their outings. Always needing to make sure Asher was well and truly bound before leaving. No mistakes could be made with his security. His demon needed more than the confined life it was being allowed to live. Levi himself had been a proper scourge when he had first been turned. Though, so far in the past, it was easier to wipe out a small settlement outside a village without any alarm being raised.

Times had certainly changed. Levi had been working to set up his proposal to Merritt. Hoping his little dove did have a healthy appreciation for well targeted violence. If she balked at what he was offering, he had an ace in his sleeve that he knew Merritt would be helpless to resist against. Though his heart would hate to twist her emotions to suit his own needs. It would be a first in their relationship. Well, a first if all the times Levi had drugged Merritt with his blood were excluded from their history.

Levi had prepared their very first day date, Joy was allowing Levi a chance to peruse her office for any of her files that he might find of interest. A gift to him and Merritt. The executive elevator access, that ensured no sunlight from the parking garage until Joy's soon to be former office. Joy had already taken the time to pain the windows in her office black for Levi, giving him a single day before she told the CEO what exactly she had done. Coinciding with the last day of sick leave, vacation and personal days she had to her name.  Damon Black owed Joy enough of his own favors that she hoped he would let this one blatant act against protocol be forgiven. If the reformed demon king did not ensure Joy was taken care of. Levi vowed that he would do the work himself.

A rare act of charity considered, Levi changed to other musings in his mind. The technology that allowed Levi to cover the windshield in his car was brand new. It had been easy enough to convert the technology that had kept Merritt's apartment safe, to use on the rear window, and passenger side windows. Tinted windows there. A new nano liquid crystal technology had been discovered that could be sealed between two panes of glass could scatter and disrupt the UV light from burning vampire flesh while staying perfectly clear. Sweet Merritt had never noticed that her apartments windows were a completely different color on the outside of her building. Because her entrance, and all the best parts of the neighborhood were on the side of the building that had no windows in her space. Her small life living with Levi had never let her see the windows from the outside.

Levi did love the speed things were changing. Modern technology was a wonder. Levi had already carried a deeply resting Asher down to his basement from Merritt's bed. Merritt had rolled over in her rest, but had not awoken. Levi knew his good girl would trust that if Levi was calm, she could rest easy.

Asher had awoken only when Levi had finished securing the third bond. First rough handling Asher tp subdue the strong new vampire. Mearly a punch to the gut and face as Levi bound his last hand in the first of the binds. "Behave. I am trying to get Merritt to agree to let you play with some living dinner with us, love." At Levi's taunt, Asher had gone still. Behaving perfectly, as Levi let Asher in on his larger plan. Hoping that giving him something to look forward to would be enough to gain some compliance.

Asher snuggled against the firm bondage bed. "I'll behave for the chance at some live dinner." His Demon finally willing to behave, at the promise of finally tasting fresh blood like they were always meant to enjoy. Yes, feeding from Merritt or even Levi after they had gone to the club was better than the perceived blood bags.

Asher longed to taste life. No matter how good feeding on a full Merritt was, it was missing the spark that only true life could give blood. Merritt was Asher's everything, but she wasn't alive anymore. The moment the blood entered Merritt, it was just as dead as she was. No matter how fresh, no matter how full, no matter how delicious the source had been. It was always less when it got to him.

Even sweet Merritt had tasted fresh blood just after she had been turned. Asher wanted the same pleasures his sire had enjoyed. He would have loved to tear Merritt's brother apart with her for shooting him. Asher settled into his confinement, remote in hand. Watching horrific documentaries of true events to soothe his demon at first. Looking for possible ideas if everything Levi promised came to pass.

Willing Merritt to accept Levi's proposal. Asher knew he could get himself under control, if he could just have a taste of fresh blood. Needed to get the itch out of his system. Then he could go out to a club and watch Merritt play beautiful games with human women. Asher decided he would be in control, and set the television to a stream of all his favorite shows from when he had been alive and human. Tormenting the demon with mostly wholesome, child appropriate content.

Levi had been coaching Asher on how to manage his demon. Small victories were worth celebrating as a day of technicolor animation flew over the screen while the demon battled for control, wanting porn, gore and horror. Asher stayed in control the entire day. He and his demon had something to look forward to. Making waiting slightly more bearable.

Meanwhile in the little apartment that Merritt continued to love, Levi and Merritt got ready for their outing. Levi dressing in the sharp suit he wore when the board of his central company required his presence. Dressing Merritt in the formal, expertly tailored wide legged pant suit he had custom designed for her. By a new local talent he was now working to foster. Merritt was such fun to dress after centuries of various suits for men, accessories, proportions changed, but men still rarely got to enjoy the flare that women were allowed in professional settings.

Merritt slipped into the mostly practical designer soles with the red sole. Shifting uncomfortably. This did not feel like her at all. Merritt had never once been the kind of person to wear a custom designed suit and shoes that together were worth more than he families vehicles had been.

"Levi?" Merritt said, that sweet nervous voice, just like when she had been soft, with a heartbeat. So much like herself that Levi could almost forget.

"We're going under cover, love. Consider this a fancy dress date." He smiled at her, that winning smile that always won her heart. Merritt nodded, always lost to Levi and his charms. Levi offered her his arm to escort her down the hall, taking turns, and unlocking and locking doors behind them to the hidden underground garage. Levi had not lived several centuries by taking chances with his safety. Now he had two fresh vampires to keep safe as well.

Most of the local hunter factions for hire knew of him and would rather seek out his assistance on a bounty than try and collect on Levi himself. There were always zealots about though. Hunters or covens that felt it was their moral duty to wipe out all vampires and demons regardless of their true natures.

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