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Asher had seemed distracted the next morning. Always happy-looking, or smiling when I was looking at him, but it seemed like this Christmas was hard for him. I didn't know enough about his past, to know what specifically was upsetting him. I just knew how difficult holidays like Christmas could be for some people. I tried to pretend that I didn't notice his distress, because it seemed like that was what he wanted. It was hard though.

I couldn't explain it. I knew something was different about him this morning. Like his body was less magnetically attracted to my own. I still liked him. I greatly enjoyed what we had happening all together, but now I felt more like I was in control of my feelings towards him at least. Levi I was hopelessly devoted to at this point. Like a moth to flame, I wanted to be close enough to be burned by him all the time. Like my blood itself wanted to be near him and would take my body along the way, headless of my head telling me no one meets their soulmate while wearing a wedding dress, in a bar, while wasted on long island iced tea.

Hiding his heart as best he could, Asher put on a brave face and did seem to enjoy the food at least. Christmas day was the best one I had ever had. I cooked, we ate, and drank and relaxed. The turkey dinner was perfect, I was so happy to have not overcooked the meat. I would have felt bad if I had done disservice to the animal on my table. If I was eating meat instead of fish and plants, I wanted to know it was all as ethical as possible. I even planned to roast down the bones, and make stock to soup to ensure none of the Christmas turkey was wasted. Later in the afternoon, Asher excused himself. I was sad to see him go, knowing something was bothering him. I wanted to comfort him, to ask him to stay. He seemed to need some time alone so I didn't want to push.

Kissing him goodbye, walking him to the door, asking him to call or text if he wanted to talk. Before going back to the couch, curling up with Levi to watch the sunset together through the strange uneven windows of this apartment together. As the night went dark Levi began to produce tiny boxes, each one full of jewelry, he ran through telling me what each piece was made from, the cuts and details. Leaving my head spinning. He was gifting me a fortune, I knew nothing about real jewelry, but even I could tell this was enough bling to make the Queen of England raise an eye.

"Levi I can't. This is too much!" I started to try and protest. When I was cut off with a kiss.

"You can." He said in the voice, the one that made me give in to his wants every time. Just to please him. "These are nothing compared to you. These are a small token of my affection. A warm up to my real gifts in our future." He said, looking at me, saying it with such conviction. This wasn't a fling. No one gave this much, no one said those words unless they meant it. He started to put rings on my fingers, chains and bangles on my arms, a heavy necklace dripping with diamonds around my throat. A comb of emeralds, gold and pearls in my hair.

"Our future?" I said, it had only been a few months, but he was talking like we were end game. That this would be forever. I wanted that. I wanted this to be my forever.

His lips were on mine, his hands on my body, knowing exactly how I liked to be kissed, his hands touching me perfectly everywhere they reached. "Forever isn't long enough Merritt. Not for me." I had never put on underwear today. I moved in a smooth line, swinging my leg over his lap, freeing his stiff cock from his pants with eager hands, lining it up with my opening and dropping onto him. Curling my hips in circles, grinding him into me as he held my hips. The jewelry ringing like bells in the air.

My arms were on his shoulders, looking him in the eyes as I shamelessly rode his cock."Tell me again." I begged.

"Forever isn't long enough. I'll never stop loving you." My body was flipped onto the couch, a leg stretched high, the other wide as Levi began to plow himself into me earnestly. His hips slamming into me every time he bottomed out. He released one of my legs, I kept it where he had positioned me. Moving his hand to hold my wrists over my head, stretching my body lengthwise. "Tell me Merritt." his own voice a growl.

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