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"Gabi it's been three months and Levi is still perfect. Prince charming level of loving supportive partner in every way. It doesn't feel like a rebound, it feels like fate..." I had said one day over break. Gabriella and I had started working tandem shifts at the hospital in the emergency room, the only two from our class who had selected the busy department. It was hectic, and always chaotic. We at first worked well on a professional level, that turned into casual friendship and now- -

"What is the filthiest fantasy, sex dream you have that you might actually want to try sometime in your life?" Gabi had asked me, out loud. In public, where we worked! I knew I blushed darker than the burgundy scrubs nurses in the ER wore. "Good! You have one! You don't gotta tell me what it is, but if you really want something, ask for it. You might just get it, you have nothing to lose right?" she had said with a wink as we both dashed back to the ER to get back to work. I considered what she said the rest of our shift. Deeply considered it.

I thought back to the blue haired bartender, I thought I remembered that he and Levi seemed to know each other as more than just a patron-barkeep level relationship from the night we met but I couldn't remember anything too clearly from when I met Levi, just flashes like a dream. I had been sober when I met the nice bartender. If shattered apart mentally He didn't laugh at me, or kick me out of his bar. He treated me like I was a normal walk-in customer.

He had been very handsome, the first man to spark my interest in a new direction. His blue hair that would have made me overlook him before, only made his blue eyes pop in his kind and handsome face. He had certainly only been nice to me because he was good at his job. Nothing more. That was the only reason he tried to be kind.

Two months ago Levi had left a vibrator in my nightside table, I wasn't sure when, but I was looking for my ebook charger when I found it. Since the day I found it, I started experimenting alone. First my private sexual experiments were tame. Then they weren't. It was all Gabi's fault, she introduced me to the most lavasious scandalous series of novels I had ever come across. They were smut!

I hadn't ever read books so fast. There was one scene where the leading lady found herself attracted to two men and was casually dating both until she couldn't decide which was the better match to go exclusive with, when they both wanted more. Inviting both to her home and propositioning that they could all be together. Both men had jumped at the opportunity, magically unphased.

Which led to both men holding her between them as one slid in from the front, and the other from behind. Kissing each other tentatively over her shoulder while she was full of both of them. I couldn't get the vivid mental image out of my head. Instead of the wild red headed heroine, being held aloft by the jock type and the artist type. I dreamed of the bartender and Levi holding me between them as they fucked me everywhere all at once. I should be in therapy. I knew it, unfortunately I had no idea when I would fit an appointment into my schedule right now. After Gabi's filthy wonderful books, and the vibrator I had new wants, my mind continued to open wide to all the possibilities I had never considered before.

Once winter came, and the walks to and from the hospital to the mass transit stations became less than pleasant in the cold winter air, Levi had started to meet Gabi and I after our shifts, a wonderful variety of breakfasts already waiting for us in the warm car. The first morning he had done it, Gabi was sending me flurries of text messages the entire time. First dissecting Levi's like he was made from a collection of famous men; and women when she was trying to describe his hair color. Before she went silent, on messages and verbally while she inhaled the breakfast sandwich Levi had brought her. After Levi had dropped her at the door to her Apartment complex, she had texted me. So quickly it had to be from the elevator.

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