Loving Merritt After 16

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Levi ushered Merritt upstairs to the bed. One vigorous round of love making. Followed by a second when Asher had finished cleaning the bathroom. Asher managing to control himself and behave in the bedroom. His still healing, slack jaw made fucking his throat almost too easy for Levi to truly enjoy. Eventually the family went to rest. Satisfied in every way possible.

Merritt awoke, in the bed alone. Feeling delightful. The world was a better place. Asher had enjoyed a fresh meal. Nothing could be finer than waking up knowing so much was right and good in the world.

Until Merritt felt a lightning strike of pain flash through her body, and knew it wasn't her pain she was feeling, That she likely had not awoken of her own volition and it had instead been whatever Levi was doing to Asher right now. The thought darkened her good mood.

Merritt went through her morning routine, washing her face, brushing her teeth, combing the snarls from her hair. Got herself dressed, All the while, deeply aware that Levi was punishing Asher. When Merritt could delay herself no longer. She finally made her way to the basement of the apartment complex. Knowing her loves were both there.

Merritt opened the door and was not shocked to see Asher bound to a St. Andrew's cross, bolted and welded firmly to the floor. Willingly taking a harsh whipping from Levi. Neither acknowledged her presence right away. They were still in a moment between themselves. One Merritt didn't want to interrupt.

A final crack of the whip through the air. The tail cutting deep into Asher's exposed back. Red welt lines littered the expanse of his back. Flesh hanging in tatters from repeated strikes. The marks would fade in hours as thought they had never been. The pain Asher experienced in their making was real and would not be forgotten.

Levi turned to look at Merritt as he first wiped down, then cleaned, oiled and coiled the whip. Session complete for now. "He broke your collarbone love, he needed to be punished." Levi said simply as Merritt nodded. Asher cracked and rolled his shoulders before doing the same with his neck. Rattling the chains that were mostly for theatrics than actually keeping him bound in place. Asher could have easily freed himself, if he wanted to.

Asher as a vampire was very much into being a brat and getting punished. Seemed to relish testing Levi's patience. He hadn't really hurt Merritt, the bones had already knit themselves back together, just a strange tingling left as a reminder as her demon worked to repair the injury. This wasn't the first time his play had been rough and managed to break one of Merritt's bones.

The fractured pelvis in the first month as a vampire paired with a dislocated hip had been the worst. Her collarbone now was barely anything in comparison. Asher rattled his chains again. "Awww daddy, I thought we were just getting started." Asher's voice fake, nasally, and petulant as he taunted Levi. Merritt felt something in her heart, something she didn't like and so she crushed away the dark thought before it could even take hold and become tangible.

Levi sighed, like he was exasperated by Asher. Rolling his eyes. As he carefully put away the whip. Always such attention to make sure everything was always cleaned, taken care of and put back into place. "I have fucked your mouth, and your ass. I have caned and flogged and whipped you. Merritt has awoken and is mostly healed, your punishment is done, be at fucking peace for a moment." A frustrated, true sound from Levi before he tossed the keys to Merritt.

"I'm going to take a drive. Asher is yours for now, Merritt." Levi said, quickly moving out of the room to his now sunlight proof car in the garage. Driving away a moment later, before Merritt had managed to even undo all the locks.

"You made him angry." A statement and question from Merritt. Silence from Asher as Merritt worked to undo and work through all the binds that would let Asher free. Levi hadn't ever left the two of them alone together. Merritt could feel Levi in her heart, like a storm. He was doing his best to keep it from her. She knew just the same.

Levi hadn't left instructions, or told her what to do. He had seemed sincerely vexed when he had left. Asher was larger than Merritt, and stronger. Even if she was the one who had sired him, he could easily overpower her. Merritt was struck that she should be worried right now. Unsure if she alone was enough to keep Asher in the apartment. Concern for Levi and where he had gone, also vying to take her focus as well.

Merritt was interrupted from her spiral as Asher appeared in front of her. A dark glint in his eyes. A second before he had the thickest of the handcuffs around Merritt's wrist. Her mouth fell open in shock as he clicked the cuff closed and locked it. Dragging Merritt to the floor ring, by the chain. Asher locked Merritt to the floor ring, bolted down with four foot long rebar deep into the concrete and earth. All in less the time it would have taken to draw a single breath.

"Daddy left us alone, I am going to play." Asher said, running at full vampire speed from the unlocked room. Merritt tried to chase after him. The bind holding her firmly in place. She tried to break it, but couldn't, she was trapped.

"Asher!" She screamed."Stop!" Trying to put everything she possibly had into the command. It was all she wanted. "Please just stop." Only silence as a reply. "Asher I command you to return!" She screamed with more than she ever knew she had inside her. Still nothing. Trying her damnedest to break the thick chain. To pull the ring from the floor. Trying to break her own bones to stop whatever Asher was doing.

A terrified scream, from deeper down the building drew a painful sob from Merritt. She was in the middle of trying to rip her own hand apart by pulling it through the tight metal cuff Asher had used. Tearing her own flesh had been easy. She wasn't strong enough to break her vampire enhanced bones. She was stronger, braver and more powerful than she had ever known possible. It still wasn't enough.

Merritt screamed. A haunted, anguished sound. While she was full of terror that her Asher was going to do something that couldn't be undone. Merritt had finally broken one of the bones holding her thumb in direct control of her arm. One more broken bone and she could try and catch Asher stop whatever he had started. She could still save him. Then Levi was in front of Merritt. Pushing her back from trying to continue to try and break her bones against the metal that was currently holding her in place.

Merritt kept fighting. "I need to stop Asher." She said. Still trying to just get to Asher. He was hers. He was going to do something awful. Merritt knew it. Had felt his heart as he locked her into place. Knew what he truly wanted now. Levi looked at Merritt, the same look in his eyes that he had when he found her, newly turned in the closest of the cottage by the lake where she had died.

"Asher has already been stopped." Levi said. His voice even. Measured. Controlled. Merritt grew scared in a way she had not known since becoming a vampire.

"Where is Asher?" Merritt asked, almost scared to learn the answer. She knew she would know if he had met a true death. Asher wasn't gone. Not yet. 

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