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I looked at my watch. It was only three in the afternoon, plenty of time to take the bus across town, meet with the hotel manager, and come back to get ready for a date. I got dressed in another pair of leggings, a longer maternity tank top and a nice cashmere feeling open cardigan. I grabbed a thick belt from my own bag and flat ankle boots looking in the mirror as I cinched the belt at my waist. My shoulder still ached, but as long as I didn't raise it too far, it didn't hurt much. The outfit was almost cute considering how messy I felt on the inside. Whoever had done the shopping for Levi, had picked up clothing of much better quality than I was used to.

I made my way down to the hotel lobby, checking my phone to make sure I went the right way. Crossed the street and was just in time for the next bus as it crept up to the stop. A relatively short twenty minute cross town trip, a short walk in front of the west side of the victorian gardens, I was back in front of the hotel where the last remnants of my life crumbled apart. Leaving me alone. On the bus I had reread the contract I had signed. I had set all my hopes on one single line in the original contract. The hotel was responsible for providing the venue, food, serving and bar staff and all required amenities for the wedding of Merritt Stonem and David Burns. A wedding which did not take place.

I walked in the front steps, and could feel several people's eyes on me. Employees who recognized the jilted bride. The guest services manager, who had been so helpful while we worked on getting the various details worked out for the wedding, was sat in her strange little bubble desk to one side of the lobby.

She looked at me, pallor blanching for just a moment before a plastic customer service smile was on her face. "How can I help you Miss Stonem?" She said. Miss, not Ms. Not Mrs. Hard verbal acknowledgement that everything had indeed all been real. Some part of me had been hoping this was all a manic dream and I could still wake up- finally gave up the last ghost of hope that things could ever go back. My old life was dead and gone.

"I would like to discuss the particular details of our contract," My voice was somehow more even than I imagined possible considering that I felt like every cell of my body was vibrating with anxiety.

An hour later, I had everything but the deposit refunded to my account, the outstanding balance would now be collected from the other named party on the contract, the one who actually enjoyed a wedding at the establishment. One Mr. David Burns. Stonem Burns now? I wasn't sure how he would call himself now, and I didn't care to ever learn.

It wasn't everything, the flowers alone had been several hundred dollars, but it was the lions share of the total event cost. Especially the giant bar tab that hadn't been part of my original contract. I had set all my hopes on the wording that the hotel was providing the venue and services for the wedding of Merritt Stonem and David Burns. Not David and Verity.

Things hadn't seemed like they would go my way through most of the meeting. I had won my argument when the hotel brought out their original copy of the contract, with a new annotated change to the event. Verity Stonem authorized changing the event to an open bar for everyone. At an additional fee to account for the hotel's inconvenience of a last minute change, his signature initiated by a rookie hotel employee as "Groom 2".

Why on earth would the brother of the bride be allowed to make an adjustment to the contract or noted as Groom 2? I had asked the room when I saw the familiar messy scrawl of my brother's signature on a page. Suddenly I found myself being apologized to for the egregious error on their part at the grievous violation of the original contract. Offered a variety of compensation like free nights and vacations at partner hotel chains anywhere I wanted to go. To which I graciously agreed, taking my vouchers and a few fresh scraps of dignity with me back out the door. I was on the bus, almost back at the much nicer hotel Levi had me staying in. When suddenly my previously silent phone started to go off.

Calls that hung up after three rings, well vibrating pulses in my pocket not audible rings. Then the short buzz that showed messages were arriving. Then a double burst, like a heart skipping a beat. The special ring pattern I had for David. I turned my phone to do not disturb. The first thing I had done when I sat down on the bus to head across town was send a light, text message to Levi, saying I wanted to thank him for everything by taking him out to dinner tonight, if he would like to pick me up at seven.

He had replied almost instantly that he would love nothing more. I wasn't sure what he would like, but there had been sushi on the table when he ordered food for me. So it must be something he assumed most people liked. I made a reservation for us at my favorite restaurant. I couldn't afford to go more than once or twice a year as a special treat. But Levi was special, and now I had several more grand in the bank than I did yesterday. I still needed to find an apartment and furnish it. But I could try and return some of Levi's generosity. One way or another.

I almost felt like I had a skip in my step as I walked through the lobby back to my hotel room. I had packed one date dress that I thought would be perfect for tonight. I broke out the curling iron from my bag and got to work. I was going to look my best tonight. I had curled my hair and arranged the spirals until I looked like a fairytale mermaid. I liked my skin as it was, choosing to only try my best at a cat eye with some light golden eyeshadow to highlight the brown of my eyes.

It was already half past six when I was done with doing my hair and makeup. The majority of the time spent trying to curl my long hair by myself without over taxing my shoulder. Well I tried to not tax my shoulder, but I kept forgetting it was even injured. It didn't make sense how well it had healed. But I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I felt great, and I somehow had a date tonight that I was actually looking forward to.

I wriggled into my slinky little dress. A beautiful, deep crimson wrap dress, with a plunging neckline and accentuated my curves exceptionally well. It was short, and with deep v neck, but the long sleeves and covered back helped keep it from being too openly slutty, it was sexy and made me feel sexy. I hoped that Levi would think the same. I wanted him to want me.

I didn't know what had come over me. I was more than happy to chalk it all up to the trauma from my hijacked wedding. It felt like it was something more than that. I had dated, I had been interested in other men before. I had fantasized about being with David endlessly, especially the closer to our wedding we drew. Sweet little dreams of being laid down on a bed and made love to.

Levi was different. I wanted Levi to fuck me. Not make love to me. I wanted him to take me over his knee and slap my ass raw, telling me I was a bad girl. Wanted to feel his hand around my throat, not hurting me. But controling me as he fucked me against a wall until I saw stars. I felt my panties grow damp as I let the fantasy over take me.

How Levi's firm muscular body would feel over mine as his hand went between my legs. Fingering my clit and pussy until I was wet and needy for him. How it would feel to finally have penetrative sex with someone. Hell I would settle and consider my attempt at seduction a win if Levi just went down on me. For all the blow jobs and loving cock sucking sessions I had put in, David had never once reciprocated. Never offered, never seemed to want to. It had never made me angry before, but now I was. 

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