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I awoke alone in bed, feeling content and satisfied. My body was warm and relaxed in a way I had never known. I remembered everything that had happened last night, how Levi's tongue had felt as it explored the secret parts of my body. How he had worked my flesh until my body exploded in a wash of pleasure.

I had never been able to explain myself, how I was holding out on becoming sexual because I had always felt like there was someone out there who would make my wait worth it. That no one really interested me sexually, until Levi. Or maybe David and Verity had broken me so completely with their humiliating betrayal that I was a completely changed woman.

It didn't honestly matter to me why I had changed so drastically. Not when everything in my life was feeling right. I felt like I was finally my own person, not a collection of spare parts for Verity, not the dutiful partner to David who kept putting her own needs to the side. I had always compromised on what I wanted somewhere. Not any more. I was going to get what I wanted now.

I liked this change. The sun was brighter, air clearer. The ache on my heart that I had thought I would carry forever after my wedding was stolen was gone. Replaced by a light, content feeling. It didn't make any sense, but everything just felt good in a way I had never experienced. This was the peaceful joy I hadn't felt on the wedding day.

I couldn't wait to move back into my comfortable loft. Levi said he owned the building, I let myself dream that maybe he lived in another unit or nearby. That he would be close to me always as whatever our relationship was, progressed until it ran its natural course.

I was giddy thinking about what would happen tonight. Tonight Levi would make love to me and sleep next to me all night. I felt my face flush, remembering the hungry look in his eyes as he asked to eat me out. How I saw fireworks and called his name as he wrenched a powerful orgasm from my body before tenderly cleaning me up and taking care of me. Tucking me into the bed with a kiss.

It was early, but I felt well rested after a solid night of sleep. I called down to the front desk, checking if any food had already been ordered to my room, after being told no requests had yet been made I ordered a breakfast platter and a bowl of mixed berries. While I waited for my breakfast to arrive I started to fill the large tub in the suite. Wanting to soak and relax my body before tonight.

A knock at the door announced breakfast had arrived, I said an internal prayer that it wouldn't be the bellhop who had called me a whore. I was not so lucky. My visage turned icy at seeing the cocky rude bellhop wheeling my cart of breakfast into my room. Looking at me up and down while I was only dressed in a hotel provided robe. I hated how he looked at me, he made me feel dirty and sullied.

A smooth smile crept up one side of his face, it wasn't a kind smile, "So how much does a night with you run sugar?"

I didn't say anything, I walked directly to the phone, calling the front desk. "hello, yes this is Merritt Stonem in room 323, yes Mr. Wallace's guest, I just wanted to let you know that," I eyed the name tag on his uniform, "Ryan the bellhop who delivered my room service offered to pay me for sex." I glanced back at the now pale bellhop as he ran from my room while the unfortunate desk clerk was trying to placate me on the phone, telling me security was on their way and Ryan had certainly breached his employment contract with his request and would be promptly terminated.

I thanked her profusely, for her quick response, and assured her I was OK, the offender had fled the scene. I just didn't want him propositioning other hotel guests who might not cope as well with such a grievous insult to their person.

Suddenly I found myself with the room comped, and a two hour booking at the on-site spa and salon. I smiled. I had never done anything like that in my life. The old me would have frozen, unable to think of what to do or say. Until he had just left, and never would have told anyone. Another sign of all the positive changes I was experiencing. All the bellhop had to do was be polite to me, everything would have been fine. Sex work was valid work, but asking a girl in a hotel room her rate is unacceptable.

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