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She had excused herself from the table to use the washroom before dessert arrived, and I couldn't help myself. I added another splash of wine to her glass, and stealthed a few more drops of my blood into her glass. More than a few drops, it was almost a third of the volume in the glass. I knew it was unfair, she would feel drawn to me more and more as my blood built up in her system. It wasn't just selfish. Every drop protected her, started to mark her as mine, any one could try and claim her without a sign she was taken. It would also save her if she died suddenly like Anna had.

Just a mouthful. Really. If she wasn't already attracted to me, it would hardly move the scale. I knew she was more than interested. Her foolish human morality was the only thing standing in our way now. She was still only days past from when she planned to have sworn and tied herself to another man for her lifetime. A miserable sod who was lucky I was too busy charming Merritt to ruin his life. I remembered all the reasons why she would tell herself she shouldn't give in to what she was feeling.

I wouldn't do anything until she asked for it. Or took it for herself. My little dove needed to learn to fly. I welcomed finding out what would be set free along with her inhibitions when the time came. What secrets kinks were hidden behind those innocent brown eyes. I could almost feel the hints of the demon she could be, she had delightful dreams buried in her sweet head. I just had to find the map to uncover them.

After dinner, as we walked out of the restaurant. Every man in the place looking at my treasure with lust, I leaned down, to whisper in her ear how much I wanted to spoil her, letting my tongue sneek out just enough to brush the skin of her ear. I felt her shiver from this small touch. How she immediately became deeply aroused.

I had forgotten how some of the smallest touches could ignite a fire. So used to having my needs met by well used professionals or other non humans. How Merritt was responding to me was downright novel in its antiquity. She seemed to be nearly as chaste as girls were back when my last little bird had lived. I once again let myself dream that perhaps, just maybe Merritt was as innocent as she seemed.

How the demon raged at the thought that he could defile perfect innocence. To have her body in a way no one else ever had. It was a divine, impossible dream in this time. Teenagers had always had sex, even I had found girls willing to experiment in the fields when I was a youth, before I became a solider and left home. I didn't begrudge women finally approaching something close to equality in some societies now. I welcomed it. I liked free, powerful women able to chose the life they wanted. But the small lizard part of my brain was a product of my time. Every time my little dove would blush wildly, I let the dream that she could be only mine live a moment longer.

We got to the car, I waited a minute before asking Merritt what we were doing next. This was her date. She was always in control with us. I wasn't prepared when she asked if the car was fast. I gave a technical answer, watching her eyes glaze over as I did, knowing it was wrong, but of all the things she could ask for, specs on if my car was speedy was not one I had prepared for.

She wanted to go fast, and see stars and for a moment. The entire universe froze. It wasn't possible. Merritt and Anna had nothing in common but my attention. As Merritt looked at the clear night sky, and asked to drive fast and see the stars outside the city, away from the crowds. I was left speechless for a moment, looking at Merritt with new fascination. "It's like you read my mind love." I heard myself say as I leaned across to grab her seatbelt. Making sure she was buckled in and safe before I started driving.

I was not expecting to feel her soft warm hands on my face as she claimed my lips with her own. Too soon my tongue was tracing the seam of her lips. They parted easily, welcoming me. Her hands were in my hair. Blunt nails along my scalp as my own hand tangled in her long locks at the nape of her neck, cradling her face closer to mine. Feeling her racing pulse under my skin. Possessing her with my lips on her lips. Tongue dancing with hers. I pulled back. Nearly all golden eyes looking at her in the dark, swollen red lips as she touched them with her finger tips softly. Looking like she saw stars in her eyes.

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