Loving Merritt After 11

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Levi moved at full speed, body graceful as he sprung from near the closed door to where Merritt was, picking up another file and flipping through far too quickly to have even read anything. "These, and that box there are the worst of the worst that Joy could find." Levi inflected his head towards a nondescript, plain brown bankers style storage box on the chair. An open and empty accordion style briefcase sized file organizer beside it. Levi started to move the portraits and files Merritt hadn't looked at yet into the organizer as he spoke. "Joy has what she feels is unfinished business, you and I are going to take care of it, for her." Levi told Merritt, taking the documents for Shatter from in front of her, his body close behind hers. Merritt leaned back into Levi, his strong chest against her back. Her demon was humming a new song, she was excited.

"You and I sweet Merritt, are going to hunt the monsters and give them the justice they should have already faced." Merritt's eyes went wide. Considering his words.

Turning to face Levi. "We aren't supposed to hurt anyone alive, not like that?" That was part of the arrangement to be able to live more or less openly in the city, part take of the clubs that would cater to them.

Levi purred, she was still such a good girl. "I've found, that as long as you only make monsters disappear, no one looks enough to notice." Over a century now, and Levi hadn't once caught notice of any official law enforcement. That was the thing about dirty work, as long as the surface looked clean no one truly wanted to see how the sewers ran.

"Now Love, we should really get going, the janitors could come by anytime, and well they are not going to like Joy's latest version of a remodel, and would like finding us here even less." Merritt nodded as Levi handed her the smart looking file box that now seemed more like a real briefcase with the thick, comfortable handle to hold it by. Levi himself picking up the larger file box easily.

Levi strode to the door, waited while he confirmed the hall was empty, before he and Merritt both ducked into the hall before turning to the stairs, and running back down to their car. Putting the stolen files in the backseat and driving away.

As they cleared the gate for the parking garage, an alarm sounded. Heavy roller doors sealing the building behind them. "Looks like we were just in time little dove." Levi sounded pleased as his demon pushed forward for a moment, face contorting to reveal the demon hidden inside as he drove down the sunlit street. Forcing the demon back down as they both relished the chaos they had certainly stirred. Levi took Merritt's hand in his, kissing the back of her hand before letting go. Shifting into a higher gear.

They were going to race in the desert with the sun up. Levi cherished seeing Merritt in sunlight, not exactly how she had been, but close enough that it was the cherry on this perfectly delightful day. His girl was being quiet, which was alright, Levi was enjoying listening to the wide scanning radio behind them, letting Levi know that his and Merritt's little visit had indeed been noted and was causing quite a stir back in the city.

Eventually a call to stand down on the chase and BOLO on his car was over. Levi pulled another tight middle of the road uturn and headed back into the city, and to the last stop planned for today. Taking Merritt to an industrial park with a less than ideal reputation. Winding through the labyrinth streets to what had once been a bakery warehouse.

Merritt had been quiet the entire drive, until the car had driven through a garage door, and the rollers closed again behind them. Levi turned off the engine as Merritt spoke "Where are we?" that sweet little voice like she was almost scared. Levi shivered, she was going to be perfection as bait.

Levi erupted from the car, appearing at Merritt's door, Merritt looked around and saw more windows painted over black. A wide open industrial sized space. Dark marks in the concrete where heavy equipment and storage shelves used to be.

"Where are we?" Merritt asked again. Her mind and demon still consumed by thoughts of Shatter and the other men she hadn't read about yet. Brows scrunched as she looked around.

Levi look Merritt's hand leading her around the space. "This, my love, is going to be our private court room." Levi declared. Not clearing anything up for Merritt. "You and I will capture the monsters who roam the streets freely, take them here, where you, I and Asher can enjoy delivering the justice each deserves." Merritt's demon very much liked this idea, there was so much room here, ways to stage the space to toy with their prey.

"With Asher?" Merritt was taken from her demon's plans for what they should do to Shatter for the pain he had caused, by thoughts of her poor Asher, chained at home and still stuck with only bagged blood or second hand through Merritt.

Levi was in front of Merritt, a gentle finger under her chin. "Of course love, he may not be ready for Maroon, but we could keep him safe. Give him what he needs." Merritt was nodding, She wanted this. Her and her demon longed to take Asher out. To share more of this new life with him.

"I want that." Merritt said, barely a whisper.

It was late in the afternoon but still before sunset when Merritt and Levi returned to their apartment. Driving into the hidden garage and making their way to Asher. Merritt had two bags of blood warmed and ready for him the moment Levi let him up.

Asher grabbed the bags of blood and drained both almost in the blink of an eye before he crashed Merritt against the wall. Plaster cracking lose from the wall, revealing the aged cement behind. Smothering Merrit with his mouth, his lips still coated in blood as he slammed Merritt aggressively against the wall again and again. Like he was both ravenous for her and mad at her at the same time Plaster and dust falling in flakes into the wig. His hand moved, tight around her throat, crushing her windpipe under his palm, fingers digging in around her neck.

Asher was possessing Merritt's lips with his. Letting her know just how deeply he had missed her. She let him handle her rough, knowing his demon needed some kind of release after being tied down all day while she had enjoyed being out.

Growling Asher's demon pressed forward, teeth elongating, biting at Merritt's lower lip with a snarl, until Levi spanked Asher's muscular ass with almost his full force. Shocking Asher out of his conquest haze. Levi pulled Asher from Merritt and violently threw him across the room. More plaster cracking and flaking to the floor as Asher slammed back first against the opposite wall, upside down, sliding to the floor head first, crumpling into an inelegant heap.

"Now, now Asher," Levi chided, clicking his tongue. "Merritt had a gift she wanted to share, but if you're going to be such an ass maybe you don't deserve a present." Asher growled, flipping his body back to standing in a graceful arc. Trying to hide how much he disliked how easily Levi could throw him around. How Merritt could control him with a single command from her lips. Asher and his demon chaffed at being the bottom.

Merritt pushed off from the wall, cracking her neck. Asher knew he had been rough with her. His mistress could take it now. "Be a good boy Asher." Merritt had a glint in her eye that Asher had not seen before. He was intrigued. Desperate for something new. Any new games to break up his confinement. What was the point of having new strength, new senses, if he only got to see the same walls of Merritt's very very small apartment.

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