Chapter 6

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

"The pictures, and the articles were published strictly on the order given to me by my Boss, Mr. Karim Talba. He is behind everything that I have published so far. Of course, with the support of the publishing house"

I smirked, shaking my head lightly as I watched the Live News directly from 'Maroudi Today'. There's about a thousand people watching as it shows up on the screen by the right. I know so many people would tune in because who wouldn't want to see the great Zainab Shamaki's' response to the article I had published from Almaz Foods under my name.

I was expecting something like this from her and she did not disappoint. From what she just said, she wouldn't fall alone in this but the publishing house as well. Perhaps, if they had tried to protect her instead of throwing her out under the bus, then they could've avoided this.

But it was obvious by the way the conference is held that they intended to make her take all the blame to save themselves. I knew they would do something like this to be honest.

Chuckling to myself, I read a few of the comments that kept rolling in as I walked out of the airport with one hand holding my suitcase while the other held my phone. The Tortilla colored Brunello Cucinelli overcoat I had on flared slightly, and in the background, light noises came from the people all around.

I tuned them out, reading how some people happen to find this entire ordeal entertaining. I don't blame them, even I felt the same way because it's the first time someone is going against her, and it happens to be me. I shouldn't find it entertaining considering there's a lot at stake, but I couldn't help it.

I'm so proud of how this woman is handling this. I didn't expect any less.

To avoid running into someone for not paying attention to my surrounding, I turned off the video and slid the phone into the pocket of my coat as I focused on making it out of the airport safely. Once outside, I spotted someone familiar—my secretary from work stood outside the car he came to pick me up with.

He had his phone in his hand, staring at something intently—probably the live video too. He didn't notice my presence till I reached where he stood. He looked up almost immediately he heard the sound of my suitcase, "Mr. Hakeem, welcome back...I—I didn't see you" He quickly tucked the phone in the pocket of his suit jacket—extending his hand to collect the suitcase from me which I allowed him knowing he'll just put it in the trunk.

I wiped the amusement from my face earlier and put on a blank expression—one that so many people know me with. "I suppose you've been well" I said politely.

He nodded, a bit more than necessary. "Yes, sir"

"Good. Let's head to work then" I got in the backseat, not waiting for his reply. This is why I asked him to pick me up instead of someone from the palace. They don't even know I'm coming home—even I didn't know I would come back this early. But because of the situation at work which a certain lady caused, I had to come back early to fix it.

As much as I adore her, she caused me trouble at work which is not something I can just ignore. Quite unfortunately for me, the first thing I have to do when I return home is work. I'm not happy about that but what other choice do I have?

He drove to the office and we arrived much faster than I would like. Nonetheless, I stepped out of the car without waiting for him to stress himself over opening the door when I can do that myself. Together, we walked into the building.

It's only been a few days since I've been there but the building looks a bit more chaotic now. It must be because of the current situation we're facing. And no, not because of the scandal about me—that something I've already handled.

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