Chapter 48.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

It was an absolute chaos.

Perhaps, chaos would be an understatement but Maroudi was flipped upside down with what started as a single article and in just a few hours, was the talk of the town.

To think people thought ZainabShamaki's scandal was the biggest of the year.


This is the biggest scandal of the year in Maroudi, and maybe beyond too.

It was also an indirect declaration of war, one that will impossible for that on the losing end to win because the factors were against him. It was all happening at once—too much that he couldn't pin one problem down and fix it.

'Sultan AbdulAzeez of Maroudi is a Murderer!'

'Sultan Azeez murdered people for selfish gains'

'Murderer in Maroudi unmasked'

The articles went on and on, by then, everyone was talking about the current Sultan and the evidences that has turned up against him. There was too much to be taken as false.

It wasn't sent to the police, knowing how well they could be manipulated there. Instead, it was the same as what happened with Zainab. It was spread on the web and the police force would soon be forced to take action.

The day started just like any ordinary day for Azeez, without him knowing it was about to become his worst nightmare. The first thing was the emergency board meeting that was called in Almaz Foods. He wasn't informed about it beforehand, but at the same time, he wasn't worried.

He didn't think he had a reason to feel that way.

Till he entered board room and spotted both of his brothers there occupying their usual seats. He arched a brow, though his expression remained blank. He was surprised to see them both there though despite the fact that their suspension from their posts was lifted about two months ago.

Hakeem was the only one that returned completely. Rauf only comes and goes as he pleases—he does his work at his own time and doesn't attend anything official. No one could complain since he does his job and well, that was what matters.

That day though, is the first time Rauf is attending a board meeting since the last one where he was dismissed. Not to mention, he has a smile masking his features that certified something being off.

Rauf, smiling?

There has to be something up.

Nonetheless, Azeez took his spot as the one at the helm, and urged the meeting to start and be over with. He inquired who it is that called for the meeting and wasn't surprised to figure out it's his brothers.

So, there is something they're planning.

"This issue has been handled, however, there's quite a lot going behind the scenes that we just can't ignore" Hakeem started, drawing his chair closer to the table as he intertwined his fingers.

"And what is this issue you speak of?" Azeez inquired, looking too relaxed in his chair. Not for long though. "Just get straight to the point"

Rauf's smiled widened as he shook his head. "He doesn't know what's about to hit him" He stated not so lowly, since everyone in the room heard and he doesn't care.

He would say it even louder if he wants to. He isn't scared of anyone there.

Hakeem moved his gaze to his secretary who immediately understood what he is meant to do. He was quick to start dispatching the papers he held in his hold to each and every one of them—leaving Azeez to the last.

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