Chapter 32.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

Life has been pretty tough for me—the past three months weren't any better.

I had told myself that by the time I'll be back in Maroudi, I'll come back stronger than ever but look at me now, my resolve is cracking and it's only been less than twenty-four hours. How am I supposed to get through how long it'll take to get what I want?

I suspired, extending my hand out to pick up a water bottle. Turning the cap open, I made my way towards the chaise lounge by the window and settled on it before taking sips from the bottle. The cold water made my tensed shoulders to slump slightly, and my worries to slowly dissipate.

My eyes were fixated outwards, past the open windows and to the view of Maroudi. I could've stayed anywhere else, but I'd rather stay in BlackAce, and that's where I'm currently at. It's safer and much easier for me.

The view from the Presidential suite if truly a sight to behold. No wonder people yearn to come here.

The sky is dark, and the lights from various places in the city only made it more beguiling. The clock on the night stand reads 12:35am, and there isn't a single nerve in me that wants to sleep. Despite it being so late, I am still very wide awake.

The dinner party ended a few hours ago, and as much as I wanted to, I didn't stay until the end of it. I had left after seeing Hakeem and Nadine together, like the family they are and to think that had my resolve cracking.

I let out a bitter chuckle, bringing the bottle up again and taking gulps this time around till there was no water left in it again. I then dropped the now empty bottle on the coffee table beside me, and pulled the comforter I had picked up from the bed to cover the lower half of my body.

Lately, sleep seems to evade me and I only find myself drifting off in the late hours of the night. I have a feeling this night will be the same, and unfortunately for me, I have no one to talk to—to at least help pass the hours in a less lonely way.

I don't think I've ever felt this lonely before, not even when my parents died because I still had people to count on then. Now though, I feel even lonelier, and for a while, I wondered whether coming back to Maroudi was a good idea.

It's too late to change my mind though. I'm already here and I have to see it through to the end. Unlike the last two times I've given up, I don't plan on doing that now. I told myself that I'm doing this for me and for my brother.

I need to do this for us to be able to live a quiet and peaceful life again. And that is what I'll do.

There's no going back.


Stepping out of the car, I closed the door behind me and tilted my head up to look at the building in front of me. The shades I had on shield my eyes away from the sun, but I extended my hand out and removed it, so I can see clearly. I had tied my hair behind in a low ponytail, not that there was much hair for that since it's still a 14inch lobcut.

I then released a breath, my lips smacking together. For some reason—a reason that I know quite well, there was this feeling of dread in the pit of my belly. I pushed it aside though and trudge into the building, not stopping till I reached the apartment in mind.

Now standing in front of the door, I held my breath and extended my hand to tap the bell button and then silently waited for someone to answer. But, none came and the same happened the next three times I pressed the bell.

Not getting any response, I decided to try my luck and insert the pin I know. A part of me was scared it wouldn't go through. However, when the keypad shone green and a click sound came as the door opened, I released the breath I held in and pushed the door open with a salaam.

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