Chapter 9

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

I had to wait until the storm at Maroudi Today died down before I made my way there. I honestly wouldn't have gone there had it not been I have a pressing issue I need to handle. The best time do to so happens to be about 2pm, by then most of the reporters there had left or at least, were sent away.

A few minutes after the clock struck two, I walked into the publishing house alone. There were still people there—the workers anyway. I don't know what I was hoping for, but I thought most of them won't be around at this time.

I could hear their whispers the minute they spotted me. I'm probably the last person they expect to see there because of the current predicament they're going through. In their eyes, I'm at fault but in all honesty, their boss caused this upon them. And, he's the one I'm here for.

Ignoring the looks, and the whispers, I headed straight to where the man's office is. I have only been here once before, but I still know my way around.

His secretary, a petite woman sat behind the desk outside the office. She was on a call, looking stressed out might I add when she looked up, probably having a feeling that there's someone there. She must've recognized me because her eyes widened slightly, and she found herself muttering incoherent stuff to the person on the other end. "...I-I'm sorry. I'll call you later" Was all I caught.

"Is Mr. Talba in?" I asked, the minute I reached her desk.

Her lips parted slightly, losing her calm for a brief moment. She then blinked repeatedly, composing herself. "Uhm...yes. Yes, he is. But do you--"

"I need to speak to him" I cut her off, stepping away from the desk and making my way towards the door. She tried to stop me, but I tuned her out because there's no way I'm leaving here without doing what I came here for.

He must've given her strict orders to not let anyone in, but I can't wait either. This is important, and I'm sure he would want to hear it...or not.

Nonetheless, she gave up when I pushed the door open and stepped in.

Mr. Karim Talba, the man in his mid-thirties was pacing in his office, throwing profanities at whomever it is he was speaking to. The office is a mess, I noted—no doubt being on the receiving end of his anger today. He was obviously frustrated; anyone could tell seeing how he was completely disoriented at the moment.

I can't blame him; he must've had a tough day. He'll probably lose his job today too.

Too bad I'm about to make it worse.

He turned around when he heard the door open, and snapped. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU--" And then he stopped, the minute his eyes met mine. They widened slightly, and almost immediately he ended the while blinking repeatedly like a deer caught in headlight.

He looks guilty, and I perfectly understand why.

"Mr. Sunusi..." He started, swallowing thickly. His eyes were still wide as saucers, probably because he didn't expect to see me there in person either. He thought he wouldn't have to face me but he's wrong.

I took a few steps further into the office, a hand tucked in the pocket of the chino pants I have on. I haven't gone home since I returned, considering I still needed to figure out what went on with the factory. That aside though, I needed to handle a few things with this man too—and they are certainly not good ones.

Keeping my expression blank, I strode over to his table and took one of the two chairs in front of it. He didn't need to welcome me in, I've already done the honors to spare him the trouble of doing so. Crossing my legs, I leaned back slightly and shifted my gaze to him again. "I'd figured you and I have some issues we need to work out, right?"

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