Chapter 37.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

Nadine is oddly acting calmer than I expected.

She hasn't made any fuss since the one after that dinner and that was a week ago. She hasn't mentioned Zainab nor ask where I've been to whenever I go out. Truth be told, I don't know if I should be relieved or worried. It's not like her to be this quiet when Zainab is involved.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad she isn't causing any trouble—it makes things much easier.

But since when have things been easy for us? Things always go haywire shortly after getting a moment of peace. I know because we've been through this so many times before.

My shoulders slumped as I suspired, quietly watching Nadine go through a random book on babies. I honestly don't know how many of those she had read in the past few months, but she seems to like it so she's always on it.

She hasn't realized my presence yet, and I have no intention of making it known. I'm simply content with standing by the door, watching her do her thing with the biggest smiles masking her features.

I want to believe she's a changed person—that expecting has changed her perspective and her sole attention and care is now on our baby but is that even possible? Maybe not, and I truly don't want to get my hopes high for nothing.

I'm certain we'll get the old her back when someone strikes the wrong nerve. I would much prefer to not have that though. Who doesn't like peace?

She must've read something that lifted her mood. Because, her grin widened and then she rested a hand on her growing tummy. Looking down at it, she muttered words to it as she chuckled.

Unconsciously, my lips slanted upwards into a small smile.

It's times like that that makes me wonder what if she and I had a normal family? Don't get me wrong, my heart solely belongs to Zainab—it always has and will probably forever be.

However, what if Nadine never ruined the picture in the past?

What if she isn't the woman she has grown to be?

What if she didn't carry so much hatred and is a good person?

If that was the case, then I have no doubt she and I would've been a happy couple. I am certain because I was actually willing to make our relationship work back then, but we started off on the wrong foot and well, here we are.

Reminiscing the past won't change anything though. I learnt that a long time ago and I don't even know why I still do that.

Just as I released a breath, my phone vibrated. I moved my gaze from her as I brought up the phone to see the message that came in.

Are you free? There's something I want to talk about. –A.

It was from Zainab. And, a part of me is actually surprised. I haven't heard from her since the day I took her out. Though things between us aren't bad any more, I still gave her space because I feel like there are things she has to figure out on her own.

Believe me, I thought of reaching out to her but I didn't want to bother her. I have been looking forward to hearing from her but now that it has actually happened, I'm having a bad feeling about this.

I pushed the thought back though, and replied to her text instead.

Yeah, I'm free. Where do you want to meet? —H.

Her reply came almost immediately.

Drop by BlackAce please. I'll be waiting for you. –A.

Will do. –H.

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