Chapter 28.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

I turned down Zainab when she asked me whether I wanted to marry her. It's been something I've wanted for as long as I can remember. However, when she asked, I realized how wrong the circumstances are.

I didn't want to marry her because the situation we found ourselves in. I want to do it the right way, because she deserves only the best and more.

I made a promise to myself that I will help her get through all this, and once we are over it, I'll ask her to marry me the way in the right way.

Before then, I'll focus on getting her life back.

That was what I had in mind as I stepped into the police station for the first time in days. I haven't been here since that day—not because I didn't want to see her, but because I happen to come across the video circulating around about her.

I have more than enough people I can pin the blame on. It can be her uncle, Azeez, or even Nadine. I wouldn't put it past her to be able to do something that despicable.

And I also don't think I can look Zainab in the eye after that. Of course, I don't believe it, because I'm certain it has to be manipulated. I thought it was fake to begin with, but the expression on Adnan's face when he saw it told me otherwise.

The video is real, just that something got a hold of it and made it something it's not. And now, everyone in Maroudi, or more like almost everyone, believes it. For the first time since this whole thing started, I'm glad Zainab is imprisoned.

Don't get me wrong, no one deserves to be there unless they are guilty. But, I can only imagine the effect all this would have on her. People are saying some pretty hurtful things about her, and even though I know she's strong, I can only imagine how much it'll take a toll on her.

In between Kareem's murder, her arrest, and now this video...I doubt she'll handle it well.

I can tell being in prison is getting to her though, and that's why I wanted to keep this from her as much as I can. Amna and Adnan agreed with me, so we made an agreement to not tell her which of course, extends to her friend and former co-worker, Ruth, since I realized she visits her too.

For the past few days, Adnan and I have been working on taking it down. Luckily, Adnan is a computer expert, and boy does he know his way around it. But, he couldn't take it all down since there are people still spreading it.

I took it upon myself to find them and well...I wouldn't say threaten but we had a few conversations here and there reached an agreement of them taking it down or having to deal with a lawsuit.

One thing that took me aback, though it wasn't that surprising, was how Rauf offered to help. Technically, he didn't offer to do so. He just decided to help not caring what we think. It doesn't matter though, because any help is welcomed especially if it is his.

I don't think I've ever admitted it before, but Rauf scares me sometimes. That young man has connections that neither I, nor Azeez have. You see that calm, and reserved guy attitude he holds up...there's a man with brains behind him.

To be honest, if I or Azeez are to go up against him, I doubt we'll win.

Rauf is mysterious. He's a complicated puzzle that no one can unravel. At least, no one that I know.

So, with his help, we were able to stop the spread of the video and bring the whole issue down a notch. It's not gone completely, but people no longer talk about it that much.

It'll still be tough for Zainab if she is to get out now though. The media will instantly pick it up and go back to attacking here, even if they know she's innocent.

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