Chapter 50.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

"Thank you so much for everything" Zainab said, holding Amna's hands in hers as she offered it a small squeeze. She then blinked, after releasing a small breath. "I am going to miss you so much" She added, her voice low.

Amna simply offered her a warm smile, and then pulled her in for an embrace, patting her back slightly.

"Do you have to leave?" Zainab mumbled, wrapping her arms around Amna back.

I smiled softly watching the two interact. I've always admired how close they are despite everything we went through. Zainab and Amna have this sisterly bond that I've never seen before in anyone else, and it truly is a beautiful sight.

"I'm not leaving forever, you know" Amna retorted, her tone laced with amusement.

Zainab rolled her eyes, pulling back from the hug as she pouted. "But you're leaving Maroudi" She complained for the umpteenth time. At this point, I'm certain she's just trying to keep stalling Amna so she would miss her flight, but she should know it's pointless.

Amna gave her a pointed look, though her lips were still stretched into a smile. "Stop acting as if you saw me all the time before" She stated. "But we can always talk on the phone, and besides, I'll come to visit. So, stop trying to stall me. I won't miss my flight because of you"

I chuckled lightly, knowing Zainab just got busted and what did I get in return? A glare from the said woman. I hastily tried to mask the chuckle with a cough, but I couldn't bite back the smile.

Dropping the glare, Zainab turned to Amna and pulled her in for the nth embrace. Soon enough, someone will have to drag her away because else, she would really make Amna miss her flight—which is her plan from the beginning.

Thankfully, she pulled back after a few seconds—her expression turning serious. "If you need something, anything, don't hesitate to call, okay?" She stressed. "Absolutely anything at all, I'm only a call away"

"I know, Zee. I know" Amna offered her a warm smile. "Make sure to take care of yourself and try to stay out of trouble, please?"

Zainab clicked her tongue and then shrugged. "Well, trouble seems to follow me everywhere so..." She trailed off, before chuckling when she saw the pointed look Amna gave her. "...I'll try to stay away though."

"That's good enough for me" Amna then stepped away from Zainab's hold and turned around to face me. She gave me a look that had me chuckling lightly.

"What?" I know she's going to say something that I will definitely find humorous.

"I will ask you to make sure she keeps her word but you two are the definition of trouble" She tsked and shook her head, like a disappointed parent. In response, I simply chuckled knowing there's no reason to deny it. "But well, do try and fare well too, please"

"No promises"

She rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless.

"Take good care of yourself, Barrister. Don't come running back because you miss us" I teased.

She hissed lightly, shaking her head. "You wish" She huffed. "You of all people should not cry because you miss me"

"Me, miss you?" I pointed a finger at myself. "Oh please. I have Zainab so I'll be fine"

She playfully glared at me. "You can't even pretend to be sad" She shook her head again before taking a few steps back. Checking the time on her phone, she looked up and offered us a small smile. "Guys I have to get going now. I'll see you sometime soon?"

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