Chapter 49.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

"The News about the horrific things the Sultan of Maroudi did came as a shock to us all. I am truly appalled by such actions as I never expected a man like him to do something like that because of how good he has been in the eyes of everyone. To believe he hired someone to kill my dear brother and his wife. If that isn't enough, he himself killed my nephew..." Suraj paused, blowing out a shaky breath as he looked down and shook his head.

He then took in a sharp breath, and when he looked up, his eyes were red and a bit teary. "...I, on behalf of my entire family demands justice. I hope the royal court will heed to the late Sultan's request and dethrone Azeez. At the same time, I humbly request for the Police to indict that man so that my family and I could get the justice we deserve--"

A remote was thrown at the huge flat screen TV, leaving a huge dent as it cracked. The Live News still went on though, as SurajShamaki kept on pretending to be a good person. As if he isn't as bad as Azeez is. But of course, since nothing about him was released, he will pretend as if he's a victim now.

"That darn snake!" Azeez hissed, reaching his hand out to massage his temple. Nothing is working in his favor since that article was released.

Everything and everyone is against him.

What's even more surprising is how fast the news is circulating and how quick everyone is to turn their backs against him.

It's only been a few hours since he found out and it's like in just those few hours, everyone in Maroudi and beyond knows what is up with him. If he hadn't stormed out of that meeting room earlier, there's no doubt they would've removed him as the CEO then.

After all, they have every evidence to do so.

No matter how much he will deny, the evidence is all real and everyone could see it.

Voice and video recording of him hiring Emos in the dark to do all the dirty work for him was out there. Not to mention, CCTV footage that shows him being the one that ran over Adnan with his car which he thought was destroyed.

But of course, Emos, like the man he used to work for is a darn snake!

He just sold him off to his brothers like that.

That's why he never liked the man. Yes, he's good at what he does. However, he's also the one person in the world who knows all his dirty secrets.

Not even Suraj knows what he asks Emos to do since in everyone's eyes, he's that guy that's not capable of murder.

To think he's done the most horrendous things out there.

It's obvious the people would eat it all up.

And to top it all, that last will just had to turn up.

At this point, it's only a matter of time before the royal court announces that they are dethroning him and he can't do a thing about it! He doesn't want to go down without a fight but what can he do when everyone knows?


To make matters worse, the only person he is hoping would still be on his side after all this choose to appear at that very moment.

He was quick to stop his pacing when he spotted Amna walking into the living room. She had been gone and despite trying to reach her on the phone, it wasn't going through. Seeing her at that moment though made him feel relieved.

He sighed and tried to reach out to her. However, a glare from her had him halting his movements. He then swallowed thickly. "Amna...why are you looking at me like that?" He questioned, his words coming out rushed. "Y-you don't believe those lies about me, do you? I swear babe, it's all lies. I-I didn't do that, you believe me, right?" He offered her a shaky smile and tried to take a hold of her hand.

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