Chapter 22.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

I've never been arrested before, but I know this isn't how one is supposed to be treated.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say the higher ups here have some beef with me.

It won't be surprising if that's the case. Because, let's be honest, I'm not the most liked person in Maroudi. Maybe it's the consequences of my past actions coming to bite me in the derriere.

After being taken to the police station, I was yet again made to go through another round of questioning and just like the last time, I kept my lips shut—refusing to speak without my lawyer present.

But, she never showed up, and it doesn't take a genius to know Azeez must've had something to do with it. I asked Adnan to call Amna the minute I was taken, and I'm sure even without me asking, he would've done so and she would've shown up.

Except something or someone stops her.

We all know it's the latter.

Let's just say, that round of questioning didn't take us anywhere. I don't even know how long I sat in that room, listening to the man babble stuff that I've learnt to tune out. I wasn't making things any better, and that of course, has been my intention right from the beginning.

They said they have some sort of evidence against me, and it was taking everything in me to not demand to know what it is. I mean, I should have the right to know, right?

I heard something being placed on the table, but I didn't bother to look at it. They still refused to take off the cuffs bounding my hands together, so I had to make do with it. With legs crossed and back leaned on the uncomfortable chair I hoped to never sit on again, I rested my cuffed hands on my knees and casted my eyes at the wall I'm staring at.

"Have you seen this before?" The man questioned. But, my gaze isn't on him, or whatever he had placed there for me to understand what he's talking about.

And I have no intention of doing so.

So, all he got in response was silence...again.

He blew out a harsh breath for the umpteenth time. I'm certain even if this man is the patient type, I'm that one person who gets under his skin like this. He was like this the other day too, and if anything, I'd say he's even more furious today.

"Listen here, Zainab" Did I mention we're on first name basis now? No? Well, apparently we are even though I don't remember agreeing to that. "It's better for you to answer because not doing so is indirectly admitting to your crimes" Was that supposed to make me answer him?


I don't know much about law, but I doubt it's as he makes it seem.

In response, I simply sighed. This whole thing is becoming too boring for me. At this point, I feel like I have memorized all the questions he had been asking me. 'Why did you kill Kareem Talba?' 'Was it because he fired you from Maroudi Today?' 'It's better to answer' 'No one will help you now' and the list goes on and on.

He should truly think of something different.

It seems as though he had the same thought, because he tapped something on the laptop in front of him. A part of me suspects he wants to play something, because it's the same as the last time and I was right.

What video though?

I didn't want to turn around and find out, because I'm honestly too tired of being here entirely. I would much rather be thrown in a cell than sit here and listen to whatever it is he wanted to say.

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