Chapter 17.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

For as long as I can remember, Amna has always believed there's something between I and Hakeem, despite my history with her husband.

I can say this confidently because I know both her and Azeez, they aren't the same—at least, they have different views of what's right and what's wrong. If I could dare say, I'd say she deserves someone much better. But, at the same time, I don't think she can ever find someone that will love her as much as he does.

She's right.

When the Sunusi men love, they love irrevocably. I know that much about them.

Irrespective of whatever situation they find themselves, they truly adore the women they give their hearts too. That's something I can never deny despite knowing it might be the same for Hakeem.

But I don't want to believe it.

I want to believe that Hakeem is just mistaken and will find love in his wife. Yes, I am well aware that he and Nadine are married. That's basically why I said I was doing him a favor by exposing their relationship even though he isn't my target.

Much to my surprise though, he just had to deny it. My question here is, why?

Not to mention he told the reporters about us.

Now the weird fact here is they actually believe him. Not all, but most of them do.

They believe he and I are married but of course, they gave different assumptions as to what happened between us. Others claim I released the article about he and Nadine because I suspected he is cheating on me and chose to embarrass him publicly.

I find that ridiculous for so many reasons. To begin with, me, jealous? Oh please.

I don't even want to think about the assumptions they gave for why he sued me. They are a lot more ridiculous but somehow, people actually bought it.

There are some still raising suspicions, and I have a feeling they won't let the matter die down until he or I address it publicly. But I don't want to do that. He should clean up the mess he created because I already have enough on my plate.

Not to mention, there are still some people that believed I have a hand in Mr. Kareem's murder. Apparently, my motive for it is because he fired me from Maroudi Today—the publishing house I've dedicated my all to over the years.

I have to admit, it does sound pretty convincing for a motive.

My eyes darted to the clock situated on the table, which reads 10:21am. Clicking my tongue, I leaned back on the chair and rested my arms on the armrest. I then released a small breath.

Any minute now.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

Tick to—

The door opened, putting a halt to my thoughts. Instantly, my eyes moved from the clock to the figure that walked in, the corner of my lips slowly stretching into a smirk.

He was on the call, so he didn't notice me at first. Closing the door behind him, he looked up only for his gaze to fall on me. He didn't show it, but I'm certain he's surprised to see me there, in that very position.

That has to be the last thing he expects, but I've always been known for doing the unexpected—that's something he knows well and if he will claim he doesn't, then he will know now.

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