Chapter 11

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

Contrary to the stern and upright image people painted in their heads, I've always known a few screws in Hakeem's head were loose.

Because...what the hell did he just do? Even in my 'I'm about to faint' state, I'm a hundred and nine percent certain he didn't think this through.

While I was still caught up on what he said—which somehow the press managed to buy but still raised so many questions, Adnan with Hakeem's help of course, managed to get me away from the reporters and take me into the apartment.

Perhaps, it was the exhaustion from not sleeping the entire night, or maybe it was everything that dawned on me but the minute we were in the confines of the room, my eyes rolled back and everything blurred out for me.

And then, I fell limp in Adnan's arms and was out of consciousness.

The next time I woke up, I was on the bed and covered with the duvet. My head was pounding, and for the first few seconds, my gaze was blurry. I couldn't make anything out as my throat was parched and my head was blank. There was this ringing that accompanied the headache, and it was simply too much for me all.

Slowly though, the memories of what happened within the last forty-eight hours came crashing back but it didn't come back easily. Every second it takes for the memory to return, I felt as though someone was bashing a hammer on my head repeatedly.

I groaned, reaching my hand out to sink my fingers inside the messy pile of hair. I hadn't brushed it after taking a shower earlier, and with everything that has happened, I'm certain a bird's nest looks better but it's the least of my concerns.

I waited until the pounding was gone, along with the blurriness. Then, I held the bedside cabinet and stood up shakily. I don't know why, but even standing was hard and albeit I could see clearly now, my body was extremely weak.

Actually, no. I know why but I am hoping it wouldn't affect me much now. At least, until I've dealt with my problem in hand. So, slowly because I don't have the energy to march out, I headed out of the room and to the living room where I'm sure I'll find them both.

They were there as I expected. Hakeem and Adnan were seated on one of the sofas, talking quietly amongst themselves that they heard when I stepped out because of the door. They both hastily got on their feet, and Adnan was fast to approach me and wrap an arm over my over, helping me to stand so I can lean on him.

"Zee, why are you out already? You still need to rest more" He complained, or more like scolded, as he looked down at me. I still hate how he ended up being taller than me, despite being a few years younger, but now is not the right time to complain about that.

I cleared my throat, "How long have I been out?" I asked, my voice low though both of them happened to catch it. I winced at how scratchy my throat feels now that I had talked, and how husky it sounded from not talking for a while.

"An hour...or two. I'm not sure" Adnan let out a harsh breath, "You still look pale, Zee. You should go back and sleep more. It's obvious you need it"

I shook my head, reaching out a hand to tap his arm that's around me. "Leave us, Nanu" My eyes were fixated on Hakeem, it's been that way since I stepped out and vice versa.

I'm certain Adnan wanted to argue. But he looked at Hakeem, and then at me before he nodded. "Okay..." He helped me walk over to the sofa, even though I told him I could do on my own but when did he ever listen? "I'll be in the room if you need me" He added, before he left us alone.

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