Chapter 8

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Maroudi, Nigeria.


What could possibly be the pin?

Tapping my finger repeatedly on the handle of my suitcase, I eyed the keypad waiting for me to tap in the pin that will allow me into the apartment. I've tried the pin I originally know, and any other I could think of but it isn't working.

He obviously changed it. But to what?

Sighing in frustration, I reached out to type some random numbers in with fingers crossed. However, I stopped midway when a voice stopped me.

"What are you doing?"

I whipped my head around, looking behind me to see the owner of the voice. I already know who it is. How could I not? I can recognize his voice even when asleep. I wasn't expecting him to be around at this time though, which is how I'm planning to break into his apartment and crash there so he can't kick me out.

He stood there, a few steps away from me with his hand tucked in the pocket of the joggers he had on. The other held his phone and by the looks of it, he was typing whatever when he noticed the intruder outside his apartment trying to get in.

As always, his expression was blank, and he had his head tilted to the side slightly.

I offered him a cheeky grin, one that I only use when I want to 'scam him'. His words, not mine. In my defense though, that is my 'You know I love you' face. It's not my fault he misinterprets it.

Quietly, his eyes move from me to the two big suitcases I had with me, making him quirk a brow. He didn't need me to answer, because I'm sure he already knows and has an idea what's going on seeing that.

I had packed everything I could anyway, and the rest I'll have someone pick them up for me. My Uncle can't stop me because everything I own is mine. The only thing in my life that's his is the roof over my head, which is gone now.

So, I cracked my head wondering where I could stay for free because I can't use my money—not when I need to save up twenty million. God, just the thought of makes me want to scream, but I held it in because I need to fix my problem here.

Slowly, his eyes moved from my bags and met mine. Yet again, I found myself offering him the widest grin I could offer and in response, all I got was a blank look a slight headshake like a disappointed parent.

My grin slowly fell, feeling like a kid that's about to be scolded.

Quietly, he covered the distance between us making me move aside for him to open the door. He towered over my figure, even with my heels which annoyed me but I zipped my mouth shut and not complain as usual about ending up with short genes. I need a favor from him right now, and though I'm sure he'd help, it'll be in my best interest if I maintain my good attitude until I get in at least.

I watch as he typed in the eight-digit pin that I had never seen and couldn't have thought of before. He didn't even bother to hide it from me, knowing I can't keep it up-head simply from seeing it once. Besides, I'm sure he had already figured out what is going on so he knows I'll have to know the pin eventually.

The door opened with a click, and the keypad shone green unlike the red it kept showing when I put in the wrong pin earlier. Taking the handle, he pushed the door open and gestured for me to get in.

He didn't need to say it twice, I made in a beeline in already aiming to crash there.

He stayed behind and took both suitcases into the apartment without breaking a sweat. I could only sit and watch him in wonder, because God knows it was struggle to get both of them out of the car and all the way there. I had to take off my heels, because else I would've fell and broken my short legs.

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