Chapter 42.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

"Ruth, I want you to follow Azeez—I want to know everywhere he goes because I can feel it. He's hiding something and I need to know what it is as soon as possible"

"Alright, Zee. I'll be on it"

"Thanks" I muttered, and then ended the call before turning around to face the two others sitting there. Sighing, I blinked and walked towards them and sat on the chair beside Hakeem with Rauf sitting on the other side.

We are all currently on the rooftop of BlackAce. Yes, I finally left Adnan's apartment and returned here. I would go back, but this is the safest place for the three of us to meet and plan how to tackle the issue.

After finding out Azeez is the root of all my worries, all the thoughts of giving up got shoved off the building and dumped in a grave somewhere. There's no way I would sit back and wallow in misery while he's there enjoying his life.

I wouldn't let that happen.

If I have to put everything I have on the line—not that I have much, I would do so.

AbdulAzeez Bello Sunusi has taken everything away from me. And, as per the good person I am, I have to return the favor plus extra if possible. It's more like a buy one and get one free kind of situation.

But, it isn't just him. Just because my Uncle wasn't the one behind the death doesn't mean he isn't guilty either. He is an accomplice and besides, he had done so many bad things too.

I'll make sure they both go to hell together and enjoy a flaming cup of tea there. After all, I know how bad Maroudi prison can be—and I wasn't even sent to the main one then.

I can only imagine how that will be.

"Will she trail Azeez?" Rauf asked, his gaze fixed on me.

I nodded, and leaned back on the chair slightly. "Yes" I breathed out.

"I can do so, you know" He offered, "Or have someone else do it for you" I have no doubt about that. The connections Rauf has is beyond me. I don't think I can ever understand how he got all that because I'm certain none of his brothers have something of such.

"I know but you have to focus on something else" I can't have him doing something like trailing Azeez. Ruth can do that well. She's been doing well already and I trust her work. "We need to find a way to remove him as the Sultan" My gaze moved from Rauf to Hakeem. "And, find evidence for all the crimes he'd committed"

Hakeem nodded, and though I can't see it, I could tell the wheels in his head were turning. I now understand why he chose to keep it a secret all these years.

Azeez is his brother, and even though their relationship isn't the best, I more than anyone else knows how much he still cares about them. After all, blood is thicker than water.

He wanted to protect Azeez, and though I hated that fact, I could understand.

I would've done the same for Adnan.

And trust me, a part of me is still upset but I don't have it in me to hold such anger anymore. Not when he's now helping me to get justice, and considering he's always been there. If he can help me do that then I honestly have no reason to hold grudges against him,

Besides, I don't want to.

I want to get this over and done with as soon as possible so I can let all this go.

I'm tired.

"The will" Came Hakeem's voice, snapping me out of my trance.

I looked at him, my brows drawn in. "Huh?" What is he talking about?

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