Chapter 19.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Slowly, the board members of Almaz Foods slowly filed into the meeting room, their expression grim as always. From where I was sitting, on the chair beside that of the CEO's, who is of course at the helm, I took that as an opportunity to watch their expression and try to have a hint of what will happen.

Board meetings only take place where there is a serious issue at hand, and yes, I know we have the issue about the whole factory and food problem, but that shouldn't be an issue they will bring up—at least, not in the moment.

Everyone knows I am in charge of it. So, I will try my absolute best to get to the root of it.

Or is that why they are here?

I figured from the minute they called an emergency board meeting that there's something fishy. And now that I think about it, I think I have an inkling what it could be about.

As if to confirm my thoughts, the great CEO of Almaz Foods, and my dearest brother, AbdulAzeez strolled into the meeting room just in time everyone else had arrived. His expression was blank as always. But having known him my entire life, there was something about his expression that makes me believe he has something to do with what will happen.

Taking his chair as the head, the place quieted down. He then pushed the chair closer to the table, and settled his intertwined hands on it. "Gentlemen, I suppose we all know why an emergency meeting was called, right?" He inquired, his gaze moving from one board member to another.

But they never met mine, and we both know the reason why.

A few of them nodded, while the others simply remain silent, waiting for him to add something.

"I'll get straight to the point then" He continued. Raising his head up, his gaze rested on his Secretary and with a curt nod, the woman went about distributing the files in her hand in front of each board member, me being the last person given one.

The others didn't waste a minute to go through what was handed to them. I on the other hand already have an inkling what it could be. So, after sparing the first page a glance, I didn't need to read through it entirely to already know what it is.

I held back a scoff, because I already know what the outcome of this meeting would be.

"As you can all see in the charts handed out to you; Almaz Foods ranking and income has dropped significantly after the release of our latest food product—which of course happens to be under the supervision of the President, here" He gestured to where I am seated, to his right, though his eyes never paid me a glance.

The board members nodded, already knowing the facts before handed the charts. I'm certain at this point, it's not just them but the workers as well know of our current predicament.

"Not to mention, we lost the Qatar deal because of this too" Azeez added, planting his seeds of doubt into their minds. Or should I say he's adding to water to the seeds already planted.

"We also have the factory workers falling sick because of the chemicals they inhaled at the site" Pointed out one of the board members. He's sitting across me, so I could see him perfectly well.

"Some are planning a rally because of this" Another addressed.

Sighs of despair came from all sides, as they voiced out their worries. I'm certain it has been at the tip of their tongues. A meeting being called is just what they needed to spew it all out.

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