Chapter 36.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

The double doors were pushed open, and immediately the guards stepped aside, giving her space to enter. Nadine didn't spare either of them a glance, as she pushed her feet and stepped into the chamber with a salaam.

Her expression was blank, not giving a hint of what she's truly feeling. Deep down though, she was both annoyed and tired. After her breakdown early in the day, all she wants to do is get some shut eye and gain her energy back but she just had to be summoned to the Sultan's chamber.

She wanted to turn it down, but despite whatever relationship she shares with Azeez, he's still the Sultan now and she can't disrespect him like before. So, begrudgingly, she got dressed and headed to the chamber, wondering what could be his reason for summoning her.

A part of her knew what it could be, and to be honest, she had no energy for it. But, she has no choice but to entertain him and hear whatever it is he plans to do.

She reached the meeting room, where her gaze instantly fell on Azeez sitting on the chair facing the door. On his right side, sat a man she wasn't surprised to see then. Standing beside the man though is someone she can recall seeing quite a few times, but can't really put a name to.

Visibly suspiring, she said another salaam and trudged further into the room.

They answered the salaam, and then Azeez gestured for her to sit on the chair to his left and she did so quietly. Now that she has settled down, silence reign as neither of the men spoke. Until, Azeez decided to break the silence.

"Nadine, you know why I called for you, right?"

She sighed again, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "This is about Zainab, isn't it?" It has to be, what could be the reason the two men would want to meet up here and now? "If it is, don't you think this is a bad location for meeting? There are too many eyes and ears in the palace"

"Don't worry. No one is eavesdropping" Azeez sounded so sure of himself, because he is.

She gave him a look that showed she wasn't convinced, but she shrugged lightly nonetheless and leaned back on the chair. "Whatever you say, Sultan"

"Are you scared?" SurajShamaki asked, his tone amused. "I mean after everything you did to get rid of her, I didn't pin you as the scared type" He had never gotten to speak to her one-one-one like this. But, he is intrigued by the woman who went to such lengths to rid of Zainab for a man.

Nadine moved her gaze from Azeez to him, and then he arched a brow. "What did I do?" She questioned, her expression not giving away a thing she's thinking or feeling. "I don't remember doing anything" Oh he has another thing coming if he thinks she would ever admit it.

Who knows who is eavesdropping as she had anticipated?

Nope. She will feign ignorance till the very end.

Suraj's lips stretched into a wide smile, as he threw Azeez a glance whilst pointing a finger in her direction. "She's good" He admitted, because it's true. Other people will fall for something as simple as that, but she didn't.

Azeez cocked his head to the side slightly. He knows that she's good. After all, she played a role in him being able to sit in that very position. She has to be good at what she does. "I told you" He simply stated.

Suraj nodded in agreement, before moving his gaze back to her. "I get what you're trying to do, but we are talking about serious issues now. I like what you did the last time, but we need to do something to finally get rid of her for good"

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