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Maroudi, Nigeria.

Life has been pretty good to us.

I would say perfect, but there were hurdles along the way. However, it's nothing compared to the past so yes, it's been good.

All I can say is, Alhamdullilah.

Surely, with all hardship comes ease and well, I am living it right now.

"Next, the award for Publishing House of the year goes to the owner of Maroudi Today, Mrs.ZainabShamakiSunusi"

Oh and yes, that happened.

I bought the publishing house. Surprise.

A round of applause filled the place, as I stood up and approached the woman announcing the awards and all. We shook hands before she handed it to me and to say I feel honored and proud would be an understatement.

She stood aside and gave me space to make a speech, and since I knew there was the possibility of getting this, I prepared a speech. However, all that speech I intended on making left my brain the minute I stepped in front of the crowd staring back at me.

And no, I wasn't getting cold feet.

I've done this countless before even though each times feels like the beginning.

At this moment though, I was simply overwhelmed by it all that my breath got knocked out. Blowing out a small, barely visible breath, I decided to wing it. After all, the best speeches come from the heart, right?

"Assalamualaikum, hello everyone" I started, my lips stretching into a wide grin when my gaze fell on my familiar faces. "First off, I'd like to say thank you for this—it truly is an honor to not just me, but everyone in the publishing house. And because of that, I'd like to use this opportunity to appreciate each, and every one of them"

From the row where the ones that attended are seated, I saw them wearing smiles that made mine widened.

"—we are able to get this far because of everyone's effort. Three years ago, we were in the gutters and with no hope of ever getting back on our feet—everyone believed we were out of the market. However, with hard work and dedication, we are able to bounce back stronger, and better than ever" I paused, feeling my heart swell with pride at the simple thought of how everything has been. "We've come so far, and we will aim for more in shaa Allah. The sky is our limit. Here's to many more years as the best publishing house in not just Maroudi, but beyond too"

Another round of applause, much louder than earlier. I couldn't help it. I found myself chuckling lightly. Taking in a deep breath, I stepped away from the podium and headed back to my position. However, before I could sit, the most handsome, and literally the best man out there, was waiting for me with arms wide open.

Grinning, I walked straight into his arms that definitely feels like home. He is my home.

So what if there are tons of people there staring at us? Who cares?

All that matters to me is how far I've come, and of course, this man by my side.

He was the first to pull back, and immediately leaned down to peck my forehead while his fingers rubbed soothing circles on my arm. His eyes met mine, and there was the biggest of grins on his face. "I am so proud of you, Albi" Hakeem stated, for the nth time over the years.

At this point, it's impossible to wipe the grin on my face. "I couldn't have done this without you"

"No" He was quick to shake his head. "This is your work, all you—and your team of course. You all worked hard to make it this far" I couldn't argue with that, because he is right. "Now, let's just hope I get through this event without screaming to everyone that you're my wife"

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