Chapter 27.

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

My parents died in a car accident four years ago. However, I never believed it was a simple accident. Why? Because it wasn't.

Even the police said it was a hit and run. But, the case was closed after a short while because of 'lack of evidence'. I find it ridiculous because it just happened my parents were conducting some sort of investigation on the current Governor then as elections were fast approaching—who also happened to be a close companion of my Uncle.

You see, both my parents were journalists, and I choose to follow their path because I saw the impact their works made in people's lives.

However, just as they are about to release something that will ruin the man completely, they suddenly got into an accident and died.

And everyone just expected me to accept it like that and move on? No way. I am not stupid.

"I see I got you there" Nadine's lips stretched into a smug smile. "Do you remember the pain you felt then?"

Of course I do. I've never felt that kind of pain in my life before

"Do you also remember how the man you've loved your whole life, the great AzeezSunusi got married that same day to the woman you've looked up to all your life?"

I know she's trying to get to me, and I hate to admit, she's starting to do so.

I remember that well.

I remember that day as if it was yesterday.

It started with Azeez's wedding and ended with my parent's death. How can I forget?

I am not going to deny that my whole life, the only man I've loved more than anyone was Azeez. Don't even ask why. But, back then he was the epitome of perfection to me. He isn't the same man I know now, or maybe he has always been like that he just never showed his colors till then.

I've loved AbdulAzeezSunusi for as long as I can remember. The love I had for him is something I am yet to feel for anyone again till date.

But, he suddenly, without a word or any heads up got married to Amna. I mean, I get that the wedding was low-key, and that no one knew we were together—except Hakeem and this devil standing in front of me, but I was still hurt. Till date, no one knows I was with Azeez except Hakeem--Nadine who somehow found out, and Sultan Sunusi who found out in the later years.

I wasn't angry with Amna though, because I've always looked up to her having attended the same secondary school when we were young. She is older, and ahead in class but she was still nice. She is the perfect woman in my eyes, and I don't know how many times I've told Azeez that not knowing he's been seeing her all this while.

I'd like to think the hatred I feel towards him is justified, because not only did he betrayed my trust, it just had to happen on the worst day of my life.

And only a couple of hours after finding out about his wedding, amidst being a sobbing wreck having gotten my heart broken, I got the call that my parents got into an accident and passed away.

How can I forget that day?

"I'm sure you can't forget it" Nadine added, and to be honest, I hate how much she knows about me. I had only met her a handful of times before she married Hakeem, but I never liked her right from the beginning. There was this aura around her that didn't sit right with me, and it still doesn't. "The only person you had back then was Hakeem,"

Let's just agree she's stating facts.

Despite the two-years age difference between us, Hakeem has always been my best friend having grown up together. Aside from Azeez, he's the one person I could count on back then.

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