Chapter 13

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Maroudi, Nigeria.

I didn't think what I did through. But honestly, I only had Zainab's best interest at heart. Sure, I did it without her consent and for that, I feel bad but I just wish she could see the bright side of things here—if there is one.

Sighing, my gaze rested on her figure that laid on the bed. She looks so peaceful while she's asleep and God knows I'll give so much just to see her looking like that. It's just sad I won't see her like that awake for obvious reasons. To begin with, her life will most definitely be difficult now. The case she's about to face is no joke. And secondly;

She hates me to the core.

I see it in the way she looked at me, and it takes so much to be able to bear it. I never thought she would ever look at me with such cold expression. But it's been years, and I know I should've expected something like this. Or maybe, worse.

But is it so bad I want her to be the same woman I knew back then? Is it so bad to want the same old Zainab back?

My thoughts got interrupted when I heard a groan, making me blink repeatedly in order to snap back into reality. When I did so, my eyes met Zainab's just in time she looked in my direction.

At first, she looked confused—like she couldn't understand what's going on. But slowly, I could see it in her eyes, the realization dawned on her and when it happened to do so completely, she pushed herself into a sitting position. Her eyes were cold again, and narrowed at me.

My heart dropped at the sight. Was it so bad that I was hoping she would at least be less hostile after waking up?

Pushing those thoughts aside, I blew out a small breath. "You should lay back down, please. You need to rest more" The doctor said she had crisis because she was stressed, and I could only imagine how everything from the last forty-eight hours is taking a toll on her.

I didn't feel bad about the whole suing thing earlier, but I do now. Sure, I didn't intend to do it but I know it's still my fault she is in this situation.

"—Doc said you'll need more rest, after he had examined you earlier" I added, seeing as she has no intention of relenting.

For a split second, her eyes widened slightly, but she was quick to mask it off. Swallowing thickly, she narrowed her eyes at me. "What did the doctor tell you?" There was something about her tone that tells me there's more to this whole thing—there's something she doesn't want me to know.

In a way, I understand why she must feel that way. She doesn't want me to get involved in her life. But, I'm already a part of it, and that will never change.

And to think there's something she doesn't want me to find out, it makes me curious. Unlike her, I didn't bother to hide it because if there's anyone I believe I can be myself around, then it's her. "Nothing out of the ordinary..." I trailed off, eyes squinted slightly. " there something I should know though?"

"No" She snapped, "You have no right to know a thing about me"

So, there is something. I had a hunch there was something earlier when the doctor asked to speak to her relative only. Adnan went with them, and I didn't object because that will be overstepping my boundary. When Adnan came back though, there was something about him that was different. I couldn't tell what though, because the young boy is good at hiding his emotions.

All he did was stare at her for a few minutes, without saying a thing, before he stood up and stormed out wordlessly. I knew there was something wrong then, but I allowed him to have his space.

Once Upon A Sultan ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें