Problem Child (This chapter will be rewritten soon!)

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Chapter 8 Problem Child

POV Shota Aizawa

I activate my capture weapon and start running in the direction of the self-styled Child Emperor while my companions proceed to make some attacks to distract him. Present Mic's sonic wave will be powerful enough to stun him and then Midnight and I will be able to capture him without doing too much damage to the kid.

None of us wants to hurt a little kid, but we have to do our job as professional heroes.

"Showtime!" Exclaims Child Emperor activating an umbrella in front of him protecting himself with a hexagonal barrier from Present Mic's sonic attack which makes his attack deflect in different directions. How many gadgets does this kid have? Did he manufacture them? If so... such an ability is terrifying for someone his age.

That was quite impressive for a child, however, I must not consider him a child... I must consider him a villain.

"You're being a bad boy! Very bad!" Midnight exclaims as her whip smashes into Child Emperor's shield over and over again. "It's time to discipline you! Whip of love!" She exclaims as a thick purple mist unfurls from her whip covering Child Emperor's surroundings.

The fog will have no effect on the boy due to his gas mask, however, it will be thick enough to affect his visibility. Given this, I cover my nose and mouth with my bandages so as not to be affected by the gas and quickly proceed to position myself behind the boy, sending my capture weapon against him.

At that moment, the automated weapons suspended above the boy spring to life and lunge at me blocking my capture weapon as a giant boxing glove hits the ground inches from me creating a small crater. I perform some evasive maneuvers nimbly backing away from a giant drill and chainsaw.

He is dangerous, very dangerous.

"You guys plan to attack me from all directions? That's so cool!" Child Emperor exclaims as he blocks another sonic wave with his shield causing all the gas around him to be dissipated by the wind.

We cannot get close enough to make an effective attack without causing severe damage to the child. This is complicated.

"You guys are holding back, it's very considerate of you, however, at this rate you'll end up defeated or worse." He says swaying back and forth with a smile behind his mask.

"It's my turn to attack, get ready!" Exclaims Child Emperor extending his hands in Midnight's direction as large robotic tentacle-like limbs quickly unfurl from his backpack and lunge at Midnight taking her by surprise.

"What the hell?" Midnight exclaims performing some acrobatic jumps backward nimbly dodging some of the tentacles while she uses her whip to hit one of the tentacles causing it to break in half and fall to the ground with some sparks.

Midnight isn't the only person under attack. Present Mic uses his quirk to deflect a huge blade that was headed in his direction of him.

As for me, I'm using my capture weapon to protect myself from a huge chainsaw trying to cut me in half. My capture weapon is made of a special metal alloy which makes it extremely durable, however, sparks begin to rain down on me.

Then Child Emperor starts laughing out loud as one of the mechanical tentacles wraps around Midnight's leg and begins to rapidly travel all over her body immobilizing her and suspending her in midair.

"Let go of me this instant!" Midnight exclaims unable to move any limbs.

"You are trapped at the mercy of my mechanical tentacles. Aren't you excited? I'm about to fulfill your darkest fantasy." Child Emperor says cheekily as Midnight's eyes widen in horror.

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