Hail Hydra!

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Chapter 51 Hail Hydra!

POV Mr. Compress

1 month ago.

Inside a Hydra secret base.

My footsteps echo through a long white hallway as security cameras carefully monitor me. I'm pretty sure there are dozens of hidden traps in this hallway, ready to be activated at any moment. After a short walk through the corridor of death, I stop in front of a huge blast door with the symbol of Hydra inscribed on it in all its glory, while two female robots stand guard in front of the door. I hope that this time, these charming but dangerous robotic ladies won't try to stab me.

"Welcome, Atsuhiro Sako." Both robotic girls say in unison in a cold, metallic voice, bowing respectfully before stepping aside, as the huge doors open automatically. Okay, I guess this is progress.

Then I enter a spacious room full of inventions of all kinds, video games, ice cream machines, sweets, and everything a child would dream of having. In the middle of the room is Isamu Midoriya wearing his school uniform next to a pool table looking at me with an innocent smile.

Behind that seemingly innocent smile is the mastermind of Hydra, the little demon called Child Emperor.

"Mr Compress! You came just in time!" he exclaims happily. "Come here, I have something to show you!" He exclaims, gesturing with his hand for me to come closer to him.

"Why did you call me so urgently? Did something important happen?" I ask approaching him while narrowing my eyes suspiciously, when it comes to Child Emperor there is always more than meets the eye.

"It could be said that yes." He says with a shrug before pressing a hidden button on the bottom of the pool table. This causes a secret compartment to open in the middle of the table with a subtle mechanical click before a small platform emerges from within with an assortment of gadgets along with a sleek white suit, immediately drawing my attention.

"Ta-da!" He exclaims, pointing theatrically at the objects that have just emerged from the pool table. "Consider the costume and gadgets a gift from me, after all, a magician needs a lot of tricks up his sleeve if he wants to put on a memorable show." He says placing his hands on his waist proudly before a sly smile spreads across his face.

I huff helplessly, he's doing it again, the little brat is trying to play with my head. Although now that I detail the elegant white suit on display in front of me, I seem to have seen it in one of my grandfather's comics when I was a child. "What's the trick? Because I highly doubt that you give me all this just out of the goodness of your heart." I ask curiously narrowing my eyes as the brat's smile grows bigger.

"That's an excellent question." He says pointing at me playfully before winking at me and snapping his fingers. Immediately after, the lights in the huge room go out before a huge and detailed hologram materializes, slightly illuminating our surroundings... It was nothing more and nothing less than a hologram of Tokyo Tower in all its splendor.

"Should my plans go as planned, the heroes will carry out a significant raid on the day that the Prime Minister of Japan is in a meeting with the police chief at Tokyo Tower." He hums, holding up a finger before continuing. "The Prime Minister is important to restore order among the population once my plans have worked out and he is the one who will consolidate the beginning of the end of this society." He says chuckling slightly with an evil little smile.

"And you Mr. Compress, you will be a part of it!" He exclaims happily raising both hands in the air causing my heart to start beating rapidly and determination to start spreading throughout my body. This kid really knows how to manipulate me.

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