Child's Play

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Chapter 22 Child's Play

POV Captain Celebrity

Humans by nature are a predatory species, willing to do almost anything for our own interests regardless of the damage caused to other people... and I am no exception.

Glory, fame, power, and women... I want to have it all. I don't care about the price to pay.

However, months ago in America, a minor accident caused my reputation to be negatively affected.

It all started when a plane lost control of its flight system a few kilometers from where I was, so my hero agency contacted me immediately informing me of the situation.

There were only three drawbacks. First, it was my day off, second, at the time I was in a nightclub surrounded by beautiful women, and third, that airline rejected my marketing team's proposal to use my image on their planes.

Just because I'm a hero doesn't mean I'm obligated to save everyone, much less on my day off.

At this, I refused to intervene while my hero agency prepared a good alibi stating that I was indisposed recovering from my injuries after fighting a villain. Other heroes could take care of that little situation so I continued to enjoy my day off surrounded by beautiful women.

In the end, the plane suddenly regained control of its flight system and managed to land without further inconvenience. However, someone leaked my conversation with my hero agency where I refused to intervene along with several images of me drinking alcohol and surrounded by women.

Damn asshole journalists!

Shortly after, I was sent to Japan while things at home calmed down a bit. So the Heroes Public Safety Commission approached me with a proposal I couldn't refuse...

"He is too powerful!" One of my attackers exclaims wearing his strange combat armor as he places both arms protectively in front of him causing a circular blue barrier to materialize just in time to cushion my powerful blow.

This in turn causes a powerful shockwave that destroys my attacker's protective barrier and sends him crashing into one of the walls of the amphitheater.

At first, I underestimated these people, I will not make the same mistake again. I'll finish this quickly and then continue with the task assigned to me. Then I can return to America as the hero who brought down a dangerous criminal organization and saved Japan.

I may have to alter my version of events, however, the winner is the one who writes the story and I don't intend to lose.

"They'll need more than just toys to even think about hurting me." I say with my arm outstretched as a crooked smile spreads across my face as I watch my attacker fall to the ground without getting back up.

"Now, who will be next?" I ask mockingly shifting my gaze in the direction of the two remaining figures who immediately lunge at me. At this, I use my quirk and fly towards them at a high speed which takes them both by surprise.

"Damn!" One of them exclaimed just before I grabbed him by his helmet and slammed him into the ground creating a small crater.

"Are you still breathing?" I ask curiously watching the figure squirm on the ground, he must have some sort of durability quirk.

If a hero isn't willing to get their hands dirty, then they're not really a hero. They're just clowns with a cape.

At this, I swing my fist in the direction of the figure on the ground with the intention of finishing him off once and for all. However, a metal cable wraps around my arm before the electricity begins to flow through my body again.

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