Abracadabra! Part 2!

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Chapter 49 Abracadabra! Part 2!

The magnificent Mr. Compress is ready for the show!

With a sly smile on my face, I start to walk elegantly in the direction of the huge safe as if I own the place, causing both robotic girls to immediately stop their peculiar dance.

"Excuse me, ladies, could you stand aside while I, the great Mr. Compress steal the contents of the safe?" I ask arrogantly spreading my arms out to the sides dramatically.

My taunt had the desired result as almost immediately both robot girls' fingernails elongate into sharp metallic blades before they lunge at me with a loud mechanical noise. This proves that whoever is responsible for this, their intentions toward me are not friendly.

At this, I acrobatically jumped into the air dodging the blades that tried to stab me while quickly reaching out my hand in the direction of one of my curious attackers. Managing to subtly touch her metal back and immediately compressing my attacker into a marble before a powerful kick smashed me to the ground.

Above me now lies the last robotic girl lifting her right leg gracefully into the air as a sharp blade replaces her heel before she tries to drive her sharp heel through my head. However, I am more cunning and quickly reach out my hand towards the foot that she has on the ground not far from my reach, grabbing it and immediately activating my quirk.

Thus ending this brief and strange fight with a pair of marbles now bouncing on the floor with a slight jingle.

A mere thief would have had a lot of trouble going up against those intense robotic ladies. Luckily, I am not a simple thief. Although I wonder where Millennium got this advanced technology. The theories that form in my head are certainly interesting.

"Now that the distractions are gone, it's time to discover the secret hidden inside this magnificent safe and end this strange and enigmatic presentation." I whisper with a hint of interest and defiance in my eyes as I approach the towering safe until I'm practically in front of the lock.

And with the following magic words, this show will come to an end. "Abracadabra!" I proudly exclaimed extending my hand towards the lock.

Then, a powerful electric shock spread through my entire body, abruptly pushing me backward. "Haaaa!" I exclaimed completely stunned, cushioning my fall with my butt and not even giving myself time to compress the lock.

By the beards of Merlin! That certainly was unexpected!

"Damn, that hurt." I growl, scrambling to my feet with a metallic taste in my mouth as spotlights across the room begin to flicker making my body fill with anticipation.

Right after, the huge safe in front of me starts to open in all directions with a loud crash, revealing its interior and causing my eyes to widen in shock.

In front of me, where the huge safe used to be, now stands a little boy with a mischievous and defiant smile on his face. However, what surprised me the most about him was his peculiar outfit.

He wears a long black tunic with gold details, which falls to his feet. Under the tunic, he wears a white shirt with a high collar. He also wears black shorts, tall black leather boots, and white gloves. On his head, he wears a custom-fit top hat with a red mask slightly covering his face.

This kid has an outfit fit for a showman!

"Ladies and gentlemen!" He exclaims dramatically spreading his arms theatrically to his sides with his gaze locked on me as all the spotlights in the great room shine on him.

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