Dark Hero

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Chapter 25 Dark Hero

POV Hawks

(*Play the video for better immersion*)

~ I can't help but remember ~

~ The voice that brought me to this place ~

~ I can't go back, I don't know how to return ~

~I can only see this darkness~

A nostalgic melody reaches my ears as I slowly open my eyes. This melody... My mother used to sing it to me on cold nights when we lived on the streets.

I find myself standing in the middle of a large dimly lit room with a mirror not far from me as I continue to listen to the nostalgic melody. Where the hell am I?

"The last thing I remember was being surrounded by many robots and then the melody..." I whisper, however my eyes widen at the sound of my voice... This is the voice of a little boy and it's not just my voice. I look at my little hands which are holding a little Endeavor doll. Given this, I quickly approach the mirror in the room and my eyes widen at what they see.

"I'm a kid again!" I exclaim with my hands on my head looking at myself in the mirror in a state of confusion. I must look about 5 years old... Age I was when I was separated from my mother and sent to the Hero Commission to be trained.

"A good hero always follows orders." A male voice whispers in my ears causing my body to tense up, yet I'm the only person in the room.

Damn, I have to find a way out of here!

Then, as if it were a signal, a door in the room opens slowly, revealing a wonderful landscape on the other side as if it were a fairy tale. Without thinking twice, I crossed to the other side in search of some way out of this strange place.

Now I am in some kind of field, with flowers blooming, trees, and a beautiful blue sky... This place is so peaceful and for some reason, I keep hearing the sad melody in my ears along with some whispers.

"The Hero Commission is now your new home, from this moment you will abandon the name Takami... You are the chosen one who will lead the Hero Commission to glory. Remember it well." A female voice whispers in my ears causing my body to tense up again as I don't see anyone around me.

"You failed your training, you won't get any sleep or food until you successfully complete the training. Use the force of your wings! Use the force...!" Another voice whispers.

"The board of directors decided that you will not be able to see your mother again, she is a distraction for your training. Heroes do not cry! Repress your emotions!" Another voice whispers.

"Your mother has died, don't ask any more questions about it." Another whisper reaches my ears.

At this, I cover my ears with my small hands as my breathing quickens and I begin to run to the other side of the field where the voices grow quieter and the sky grows darker. "Everyone shut up and leave me alone." I whisper unconsciously squeezing the Endeavor doll against me.

Shortly after, I approach a strange tree in what seems to be some kind of border between two fields. Behind me is the beautiful field full of greenery with a blue sky while in front of me is a completely desolate field with a dark sky.

I tried to cross to the other side to escape the whispers in my head, however, an invisible barrier prevented me.

Then a winged figure descends from the dark sky and lands right in front of me with his hands in his pockets and looking at me with a slightly sad smile on his face as my small eyes widen.

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