Chapter 7: The Imposter Among Us ☆

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AN: Rewritten Chapter (12/11/2023)

Chapter 7: The Imposter Among Us.

A week later...

POV Third Person


Dear Diary...

Today I trained with Kacchan and for the first time, I managed to land a punch in his face... That really felt so good! I can't tell anyone though... Kacchan threatened to blow up my All Might figurine collection if anyone found out about that!

Last, but not least, I have greatly improved my quirk analysis skills. Detailing in my notebooks the strengths and weaknesses of countless heroes, special moves, support equipment, among many other things... Allowing me to finish the hero analysis for the future #15...

If I really want to be a hero I must give it my all! Even without a quirk I will take advantage of my talents and try twice as hard!

After all, my little brother believes in me and I definitely don't plan to disappoint him...

In other news... Mom got another promotion and we celebrated by eating katsudon!

I still remember the day she was unfairly fired from her previous job, she was visibly devastated and worried about the future of our financial situation. However, my little brother hugged her and told her that everything would be okay that he would take care of everything with the power of love and friendship... Whatever that meant...

The next day my energetic little brother came home waving a pamphlet for a growing new company looking for employees. A pamphlet that he conveniently got on the way home... What luck!

So, without even doing a job interview, Mom was hired by none other than... Cognito Inc!

Thus obtaining a huge income and incredible work benefits... It was undoubtedly a dream come true for her... The debts in our lives had certainly remained in the past as had the enormous weight on Mom's shoulders.

Shortly after I found out that the company where she previously worked had fallen into bankruptcy...

We really are a very lucky family.

Oh, and I almost forgot...

Lately, my little brother has been acting suspiciously...

I'm not sure what exactly is going through my little brother's head but a couple of days ago right after he came home from school... He stared at me with a strange smile on his face for minutes before licking his lips.

That was really scary and uncomfortable!

Maybe I'm just imagining things and being overly dramatic? Or could his quirk have something to do with it?

For a moment it was as if he were another person...

...An imposter among us...

Although that is impossible! It's probably just a joke on my little brother's part. That has to be...


Izuku huffs with a small smile on his face, closing his diary before hiding it inside his closet. "It would really be embarrassing if my little brother accidentally found my diary and read it." He murmurs nervously, shaking his head slightly before yawning audibly and plopping onto his comfortable bed.

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