Game Over

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Chapter 36 Game Over

POV Third Person

As chaos quickly spreads around the world, the headmaster of Japan's most prestigious school of heroes sits quietly meditating in his office, holding his cup of tea and trying to piece together all the pieces of this twisted game.

Attempts to contact the assault group have failed as have attempts to contact the Hero Commission. "This game... It's very curious." Nezu whispers taking a sip of his tea.

At that moment, the professional hero and U.A professor, Cementoss enter the office with a dark look on his face. "Principal, according to his instructions no student was allowed to leave the school, the general education, support, and administration students were escorted by the available teachers into the auditorium where they will remain safe until the situation improves outside." Cementoss seriously says.

"Security robots along with some staff members are conducting patrols around the entire perimeter of the school, so only an idiot would attempt to attack this place." Cementoss snorts scratching his head.

"However, I am concerned about the students from the heroic department, they are currently in their internships... I can't imagine the harsh situation they must be facing outside right now." Cementoss whispers clenching his fists in frustration and helplessness knowing that his students are in danger.

"A hero's path will always be fraught with difficulties and it is these difficulties that strengthen the resolve of a true hero... In the midst of adversity, they must prevail, learn from their mistakes and push their limits." Nezu says nodding his head and looking directly at Cementoss.

"And with Child Emperor directing the forces of chaos behind the scenes... The future is bewildering." Nezu hums taking another sip of tea and watches with amusement as Cementoss's eyes widen at this news.

"Nezu, you as well as I saw the unfortunate end of that live broadcast." Cementoss says clenching his fists. "Captain Celebrity psycho pierced that kid's chest and unleashed this whole shit storm!" He exclaims angrily before taking a deep breath and calming down.

Cementoss, like many other people, was affected after witnessing the end of the live broadcast. Even though Child Emperor was rated as an S-rank Villain by the hero commission, many people and heroes still had hopes of catching him and reforming him... After all, he was just a little kid playing the villain.

A child with unimaginable potential.

However, the unfortunate end of the live broadcast took the heroes and much of the world by surprise... except for Nezu.

"And tell me... Did you notice anything out of the ordinary in the last moments of the transmission?" Nezu hums as Cementoss shakes his head slowly before Nezu replays the last moments of the broadcast on his computer.

"When the Warhammer hit Captain Celebrity's aerodynamic barrier, a small but powerful explosion of smoke and dust was produced, which completely covered Child Emperor for a few seconds." Nezu says, taking another sip of tea before continuing.

"Immediately after, Child Emperor's backpack disappeared and that's not all." Nezu hums pointing out the way Child Emperor was dragging the Warhammer across the ground as he approached the unconscious Captain Celebrity. "For some reason, the Warhammer increased in weight or Child Emperor became weaker in a matter of seconds, not to mention that his clothes did not show signs of prolonged combat." Nezu chuckles slightly.

"Principal, what are you trying to say?" Cementoss asks hesitantly as a sinking feeling begins to spread through his body.

At this, Nezu places his cup of tea on his desk. "Child Emperor is undoubtedly still alive and from what I can gather he has attacked the Hero Commission facility and taken control of the emergency broadcast system to incite further chaos." Nezu says seriously clasping their hands on the table while he watches a peculiar popup window on his computer.

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