1- Glue

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Like every story, this one should start with an introduction. My name is Kennedy Russo, and I am a detective. I got out of the academy at 24, and was promoted from civil cop three years later. But this story isn't about me, it's about how I learned to except help, and more importantly, how to fall in love.

Sometimes, I really hated my job. It was particularly the case of the Grim Ripper, as a colleague had named him. He had gotten away with three murders in the Columbian District, and my squadron was hastily and quickly trying to find leads, evidence, or whatever else could help before he could strike again. I was an independent cop, that was why I was promoted so early. So when my captain told me that he was calling in the FBI to come in and help with this case, I was baffled.

I never saw the need in asking people for help, and I didn't plan to start now.


Coffee is one of my comfort items; Morgan disagrees, probably because he sees the amount of sugar that I put into it. But I don't care, coffee helps...a lot. Especially for the past few months.

Garcia strides into the conference room with an array of files tucked under her arm, then passed one out to each of us.

"Hello my furry friends," she greeted in her 'Garcia' way, "Unfortunately, one of the boogeymen from hell have decided to cross into our turf and has killed three women thus far; and Virginia PD have called in our help,"

"Well, this is...vile," Rossi said. I agreed, this unsub hogtied his victims, and left them naked for people to find them.

"Lindsey Robinsmith, Vicki Watson, and just recently, the young Brittany Kershaw. She was discovered this morning by her landlord, and let's just say that the remains of the breakfast burrito that he had this morning is now all over the floor," she said.

"Upchucked at the sight of a dead body, I don't blame him," Morgan said.

"According to the M.E, the girls were raped, sodomized and-woah," JJ stopped reading from her file, "he glued their mouths shut, and they had burns from scalding water on their backs. That spells sadist,"

"He gets off more on pain then the actual rape itself," I said.

"There's something different about Brittany Kershaw's murder. The unsub glues the mouths shut of all the victims, but with Brittany, he also put glue in her anal canal," Alex said.

"But not with Lindsey and Vicki?" Rossi asked.

"Nope, their butts were clean...well, as clean as butts can be," Garcia said.

"Is there a connection between these girls?" I asked.

"None that they were able to find, but they were able to find DNA from Brittany's body. They should be testing as we speak," she replied.

"This unsub crosses race, hair color, and even neighborhoods," JJ said.

"The gluing of the mouths I can understand, he didn't want his victims to scream out. But why would he glue Brittany's anal canal, and not the others?" Morgan asked.

"A sexual sadist with almost perfect forensic counter measures, and nobody sees him, this isn't good," Rossi said.

"Has the captain made a statement?" JJ asked.

"Not yet, he doesn't want to send the city on a wide-spread panic," Hotch replied.

"Which may just lead the unsub into a spree," I added.

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