5 - Baggage

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JJ and I went out to see Maria. According to Garcia, she dropped out of high school at sixteen and had been servicing the street men ever since.

"You know, this place reminds me of a building in a horror movie," I said.

"How so?" JJ asked.

"Rickety old stairs, smashed windows with a netting over them, not to mention the pot," I replied.

"Hey, is everything alright with Reid?" she asked.

"I think so," I replied, "Why?"

"It's just the little things. He's been hanging out with Russo quite a bit," she said.

"I think it's good for him to smell the air. Russo's pretty cool too, I think she'd be great for him," I said.

"I think she's cute," she said.

"I think she'd definitely keep him on his toes," I replied. "Garcia told me she wants to join the bureau,"

"Well it's one thing to work major crimes as a detective, but I wonder if she could take the things that we see. I doubt she's ever met someone who turned people into marionettes," she said.

"And yet I hate to think that's not the worst we've seen," I said. We came to the door, and JJ knocked. A hispanic woman opened the door; she had dark circles under her eyes, a t-shirt with holes in it, and a cigarette in her hand.

"Maria Occuro? I'm Agent Jareau, this is Agent Morgan, we're with the FBI," JJ started off.

"What's the FBI doing knocking at my door? Unless, you're interested," she said to me.

"Ma'am, I can assure you that's not why we're here. We're actually here about your brothers," I said.

"What's the FBI want my family for? They're as worthless as my ex boyfriend," she said.

"We just need to know where they are," JJ said.

"That is none of your business," she said.

"Ms. Occuro, obstruction of justice is a fellany," she said.

"We will arrest you if you don't cooperate," I said.

"Then you know that I ain't got time for no fellany, so go to hell," she was about to close the door, but I was a lot stronger then her, and I pushed it back open. Then I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

"Hey, you think we're playing around here?" I asked her.

"Alright, alright. One's at school, one works for the airline, and the other's down south. Now, you got a gun with those cuffs Agent Morgan?" she asked, drawling out my name and fluttering her eyes.

"Yes, he does, and so do I," JJ flashed her gun to the woman, who then scowled.

"I get it, but if you ever dump the blonde, you know where to find me," then she shut the door.

"Did she think we're a couple?" JJ asked.

"I counted about ten violations just by looking into that apartment, I don't know what she was thinking," I replied.

"So Tyrese, James, and Mark Occuro," Luther said.

"All saints I'm sure," Rossi added.

"Maria lied, Tyrese, he's not in school, he's serving a three month sentence for his fifth DUI," Alex said.

"Of course," JJ said.

"Mark Occuro is a baggage handler for the airline, two counts of assault but the charges were dropped," Reid said.

"James Occuro is down in South Carolina, working on the farm. I think we can rule him out," I said.

"So then that only leaves Mark," Hotch said. I had an idea.

"Did we take scan station images?" I asked.

"Of course, it's protocol," Kennedy replied.

"Bring up the first three crime scenes," I said. She opened her computer and started typing.

"What're you looking for?" she asked. I looked on the screen, scanning for my mystery item.

"Baggage, and that's what I'm seeing right here," I pointed to the purple suitcase that stood off to the side in the kitchen.

"Vicki and Lindsey had just come back from trips," JJ said.

"Brittany had recently been on vacation, but there were no credit card receipts for the airline tickets," Kennedy said.

"Somebody could've bought the tickets for them," Reid said. "Or if it was a business trip, their employer would've paid the costs,"

"What does Occuro do for the airline?" Hotch asked.

"He's a delivery man, he delivers lost luggage," Alex said.


"We found your luggage ma'am," Mark Occuro stood at the apartment we set up. He had developed a certain pattern; blondes, brunettes, redheads. Amanda Clarret, the last victim, was a blonde. Wanna take a crack at my hair color?

"Thank God, I thought I'd never get my stuff back," I turned and headed for the bedroom, letting him follow me.

"It's kinda heavy. You wanna check it? Make sure everything's there?" he asked.

"I'm sure it's fine," I replied. To tell you the truth, I was feeling a little skiddish; this man burned a woman alive, I wouldn't want to be next.

"I'm sure it's fine," I replied.

"Where do you want it?" he asked.

"You can just set it down on the bed. I'm just glad you found it, I hate to have to buy new clothes," I said.

"You won't need new clothes, I promise," his tone of voice changed, and her grabbed my from behind.

"Hey!" I elbowed him int he ribs and tried pushing him away. Just as he raised his fist to punch me, the lock of a gun sounded.

"Don't move," Reid had a gun to his head. Mark let me go and put his hands up. "You alright?" he asked as he cuffed him.

"Never better," I looked at Mark. "You piece of crap,"

We brought him outside, where Morgan was going through his truck. "I hit the mother lode here," he held up his findings, "Rope, gloves, glue, condoms in the glove compartment," he said.

"Looks like somebody's murder kit," Reid said. Mark only scowled.

"It gets even better," Morgan showed us a sheet, it was a list was names, with addresses. "All the females are circled,"

"Got anything you wanna say?" I asked Mark. He didn't say nothing, instead, he spat on my face.

"Hey! Take it easy!"

"No, it's alright," I told Reid. Mark smirked, so, I rammed my knee into his crotch.

"Owh!" I wiped the spit off my face and slapped it on his jacket.

An Emblematic Woman ● S. Reid | ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora