51~ Euphoria

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"Jeremy Rand!" the bastard was just about to pull the same move his wife did last week, but he wasn't getting away this time.

"What on Earth is this?" he asked. I grabbed his hands and cuffed him.

"You're under arrest for treason, conspiracy, and murder," I told him, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law --"

"You have no proof!" he sneered.

"We don't need proof, we have a witness,"


"Will the defendant rise!" the judge called. The twelve members of the jury stood in two neat lines as Daniel stood up, he was chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"Does the jury have a verdict?" the judge asked.

"We do your honor," the first juror said. He opened up his folded piece of paper and read off: "On the charge of rape, we the jury find Daniel Sharrick guilty," a weight was instantly sprung off my chest and I blew out a sigh of relief. The rest of the court seemed to agree as the sound of excited and happy murmurs and cheers filled the room.

"Order!" the judge banged his gavel, "Order or I will clear the court room!" he shouted.

"On the charge of kidnap, we find the defendant guilty," even better. Daniel's expression froze as a prison guard came to cuff him.

"The court thanks the jury for their service. The defendant is remanded pending sentencing! Case dismissed!" he banged on the gavel again. I knew he would be guilty, but hearing the words come from somebody who actually had the authority to will so felt like euphoria. 

I had to stand up just to make sure my legs could still function fully. Luckily they did. I shut my eyes as I grabbed hold of Spencer, he wrapped his arms around me as the court filled with excitement again. When I opened my eyes, I saw Daniel staring back at me as the court officer cuffed him.

"This isn't over," he sneered. For a split second, my heart froze. I knew he meant that, even though there was never a chance he could ever get even.

"Uh, I think it is. Buh-bye!" Garcia told him. That was the best way to put it. But as much as I wanted to laugh in his face, the serial look in his eye told me that Daniel wasn't finished with me. That didn't matter now, because tonight I could finally say it.

I won.


The best way to celebrate the defeat of a psychopath was with drinks of course! Everybody went down to a bar in the middle of the city. I was wearing black; not to praise the coven from American Horror Story, but I went to the memorial of Barrett Willis. You probably think I'm crazy for doing so, he was the one applicable for my first rape; but regardless he was a soldier, and dicks or not, soldiers deserved to be honored. I left a white tulip at his grave, Reid said they represented forgiveness.

"Max, where have you been?" JJ asked my dad. They let my dad out of the penitentiary earlier this afternoon, and everybody knew what my dad tried to do. Something told me they weren't gonna let him live it down.

"W-Well, I was out for a couple days. But I knew Kenny didn't need me; she had everything under control," as you can see, I come from a long line of bull crappers. Everybody just laughed and rolled their eyes, even me.

"Uh-huh, sure dad," I sipped my wine.

"All right, let's just raise our glasses here," Hotch called, "To the BAU!"

"And to Kennedy!" Morgan announced.

"And Patricia!" I added.

"Hear, hear. Hear, hear, as the English diplomats said before they lost everything," Rossi said.

"You know, I never doubted any of you- not for a minute," Garcia said.

"Oh, yeah right!"

"Where did you come from?" JJ asked her.

"Let's not forget the happy couple over here!" Kate pointed to me and Spencer. I felt him wrap his arm around my waist and pull me close.

"Well, what can I say? I'm adorable,"

The rest of the night was celebrated with laughter, wine, and celebration. My dad opted to leave first, I walked him out of the bar so he could hail a cab.

" I guess I'll go home, you be safe Kenny," he told me.

"A real bed is probably going to feel good," I replied.

"Listen, I'm sorry that I, uh, that I doubted you," he said.

"As a psychologist, I'd say that you subconsciously wanted Morgan to catch you so that we wouldn't have to be separated," I said.

"You're a smart cookie, just like your mother," he sighed.

"I love you, dad," I said.

"I love you too, honey," we hugged it out, just as Morgan and Reid came out.

"Thanks for leaving me with the bill. That's nice of you," Morgan said.

"Your fault, Derek. My wallet got stolen in jail," he replied. I chuckled; my typical father. He said his final goodbyes and flagged down a cab.

"Alright, I'm gonna head home. You guys should too," Morgan said.

"Yeah, I need sleep," Reid said. He smirked a bit.

"Oh, something tells me you won't get all that much sleep tonight Pretty Boy," he grinned. I rolled my eyes in response.

"Morgan, you're full of filth," I told him.

"That's how I roll!" he called as he headed down the street, "Goodnight!"

"Goodnight!" we both called back. I turned to Spencer and shrugged.

"So, what happens now?" I asked. He smiled and gave me another kiss, before replying with...

"Whatever happens next,"

An Emblematic Woman ● S. Reid | ✓Where stories live. Discover now