25- Hair

17.5K 385 104


My breath was becoming shallow as I continued to run, my legs were pumping and screaming in pain. I was in fear for my life, I wasn't about to stop. I jumped over the rocks and roots, dodging ridges and trees that got in the way. My lungs were gasping for air, so I stopped by a nearby oak. As I collected my breath, I turned to look at Morgan and Reid. They weren't too far behind, surprising for Reid's condition. I could see the beads of sweat on Morgan's forehead in the moonlight as he carried Reid out from the woods. He stopped next to me, letting Reid rest against the oak tree.

"You guys okay?" I asked them.

"Yeah, how much further we got?" he replied. I looked up through a clear patch of trees and located the north star.

"That's Polaris, we wanna head West. Probably another fifteen miles out from any civilization," I replied.

"Approximately another five hours," Reid gasped. Morgan closed his eyes, the weight of a hundred and sixty pounds Reid started to impact his shoulders. I crouched down and looked at the graze wound on Reid's shin. The bleeding had stopped now, it was drying around his pant material. But if we didn't get him to a hospital soon, he would catch gangrene.

"How bad is it?" Morgan asked. I looked up and brushed my bangs off my face.

"If he doesn't get treatment within the next twelve hours, it could get infected," I replied. He let out a strong huff and pulled Reid to his feet again.

"Let's keep going then..."


(Two Days Earlier)

Weeks passed since Daniel Sharrick had been arrested, and Kennedy was on a rest leave. She was supposed to return sometime this week; I felt a bit guilty leaving me apartment while she stayed home. This morning, she had a doctor's appointment that she needed to attend.

Kennedy had finished moving into my apartment. I have to admit, I was more then ecstatic to have her move in; not only was she a better cook then I ever was, but I always got a sort of buzz knowing that she was living with me. It was difficult for me; knowing that my crush was sleeping next to me. I kept having these -- as Morgan called them -- wet dreams about her and I. I wanted so bad for these dreams to be true, but I knew the policy: it's against protocol to date colleagues. Then again, Garcia was in an extensive and heavy relationship with Kevin Lynch for four years.

We were in the bullpen, watching the latest murder case happening in North Dakota. An unsub was grabbing women off the streets and dumping their mutilated bodies in the woods. "How come the state police haven't called us in yet?" Morgan asked, completely baffled at the third victim that had just been found.

"Some states are just too proud to admit they need help," Kate replied.

"No kidding," Rossi added, "I once had a pedophile/murder case in Milwaukee; it wasn't until the eighth boy that the state troops finally called us in. Street officers kept giving us these dirty looks; one glare from one of them, mama mia,"

"Well, Hotch will probably get the call any second now. Three murders later, North Dakota's in trouble," JJ said.

"Amen to that," Garcia agreed.

"The Homen Forest is approximately 4200 square acres; for all we know there are more bodies," I said.

"Leave it to genius Dr. Spencer Reid to make a creepy case even creepier," Garcia said.

"What? It's just statistics,"


I put on a brave face as I entered the bullpen, expecting the welcome back banner, the cupcakes, the flowers, all that. What did I walk into? My teammates staring at the TV, not acknowledging my presence. This was a scene that could make Bugs Bunny burst into tears.

An Emblematic Woman ● S. Reid | ✓Where stories live. Discover now