8 - Sob Story

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"Well, it's safe to say that the rest of DC can sleep well tonight," JJ said. Mark confessed to everything, every rape, every murder, even a few he committed in South America. Go figure.

"Yeah, the bastard even confessed to other murders," he said.

"Where?" she asked.

"Columbia," I replied. She chuckled and shook her head.

"Wow, serial killer gone world wide," she said. I laughed too, then I noticed something.

"Hey, where's Reid?" I asked.

"He and Kennedy went for a celebration drink. It's something she likes to do after cases like this," she replied.

"She asked Reid for a drink but not us?" I asked.

"Actually she did, but I told her that she and Reid can be alone tonight," she replied.

"Ah, I see what you did there. Smart thinking," I said.

"I figured so. He needs to meet new people anyway, without our influence," she replied.

"Yeah, good for him. He totally likes her," I chuckled.

"I know, let's just see if he's got the guts to do anything about it," she replied. I sure hoped he would.


"Alright, I got another: why was Werner Heisenberg such a bad lover?" I asked her. Kennedy tilted her head as we exited the bar and walked down the street.

"Hmm, I don't know, why?" she asked.

"When he got the momentum, he couldn't find the position, and when he found the position, he couldn't muster up the momentum," I laughed at my own answer, but she looked confused. "That was another bad one, wasn't it?" I asked.

"No, no I'm sure it was good, I just don't understand what you mean," she replied.

"Well, it's funny see, because the joke is based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that you cannot simultaneously measure both position and momentum accurately," I explained.

"Oh! I still don't get it," she said meekly.

"Oh. My magic tricks are a lot better, I promise," I told her. Her eyes lit up and twinkled with delight.

"Ooh, you do magic?" she asked.

"I grew up in Vegas," I told her.

"Nice; guess you get an automatic good luck charm when you're in the casinos, huh?" she asked.

"I don't actually go to casinos while I'm there. Well, I do, but not very often," I replied.

"I see," she nodded, then sighed. Her breath was visible through the cold air, "Well, I have to admit, I can't remember the last time I worked so well with anybody," she said.

"That's a compliment, right?" I asked.

"Absolutely. You and your friends are pretty cool," she said.

"Thanks, your squad is very efficient also," I replied.

"Why thank you, Virginia PD definitely does their best," she beamed.

"I can tell," I said, "I also noticed the way you yelled at Occuro earlier,"

"What about it?" she asked.

"You were angry, more angry then you should have been. Is there a reason?" I asked.

"I had some friends get sexually harassed in high school," she said.

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