2 - Application

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We headed back to the station moments after, and all I could think about was Lindsey, Vicki, and Brittany, everything they went through before he strangled them to death. It made me think of things, things I didn't like to think about.

As soon as I walked in, the first thing I noticed was the man sitting in the conference room that was set up. Aaron Hotchner, I remembered him. I had sent in my application for the FBI, but he never got back to me.

"Get anything from the crime scene?" another, older man came up to us.

"Chills. This is Detective Russo," Spencer introduced me to him. The man smiled at me and shook my hand.

"David Rossi," I recognized him now, I had read his books.

"Kennedy. Sir, it's an honour to meet you, I studied a lot of your work in college. You're a legend back in El Paso," I told him.

"Always great to meet a fan with her head on straight," he said.

"El Paso? Texas?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah, born and raised," I replied.

"Nice, I'm from Chicago," he said.

"I had an ex from Illinois," I told him.

"Oh yeah, did he treat you well?" he asked.

"As well as a gang banger could treat his undercover cop girlfriend," I replied. He raised his eyebrows and nodded.

"I see. Well, I hope there were no hard feeling between the two of you," he said.

"I think he was more concerned with the hefty twenty years he was getting for cooking meth in his granny's garage," I replied.


"I think he was more concerned with the hefty twenty years he was getting for cooking meth," she told him. They continued to talk as they walked into the board room that was set for us. I felt a bit jealous, Morgan always connected with girls so easily; but earlier I thought I was doing pretty well with her.

"You alright?" Rossi asked me. I shrugged it off so he wouldn't notice.

"Yeah, let's go,"


I felt a tad nervous approaching Agent Hotchner. He was always so serious, and I have never ever seen him smile. I wonder if he just does that as an intimidation tactic. If so, it works very well.

"Agent Hotchner?" I approached him. He looked up from his papers and stood up, practically towering over me.

"Detective Russo, good to see you again," he said.

"You too. Um, I was kinda curious to see if you considered my application for the bureau?" I asked. He sighed and looked away.

"Detective, with all do respect, everything these past few months have been quite hectic, I honestly haven't had the time to look at recruit application. As soon as I get back to my office, I'll check yours right away. That's a promise," he said.

"Okay, just wanted to check in," I replied sheepishly.

"Good," I was about to turn away, but he continued, "You show a lot of potential Detective, you could probably become a sergeant or lieutenant some day. But for now, stick to your grounds, and keep your head in this case," he said.

"Yes sir, absolutely," I replied. He sat back down as the rest of the agents, and my captain walked in, Captain Luther.

"We better be able to get a head-on of this bastard; I got One PP on my ass and the ADA pushing for results," he said. Captain Luther was always stressed, I had a feeling that I had a bit to do with that.

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