43~ Adultery

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The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. ~ H.P Lovecraft

Sleep had become a non-existent factor in my life. And when I did fall asleep, I didn't dream. Every second of the day was focused on Daniel, and what he was planning for me in the court room.

"Kennedy. Ken, wake up," somebody gave me a quick jolt, and I shot up from my desk.

"I'm awake," I said.

"We can see that," Rossi said.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"The ADA's on her way up. She has to prepare you for court. I don't think she's the type to look down on tough love neither," he said.

"Right, thanks," I stood up and stretched my arms, right before I heard a brick-into-face howl.

"I ain't got much time here! And where to the director? Does he know that the parking lot down there is like an escape room? There's no where to park!" Patricia Carol marched through the office and made her way right up to Hotch's door before pounding on it. He opened the door, looking quite annoyed.

"Ms. Carol, I can appreciate that you have places to be, as we all do. But please try to keep your temper under control," he told her.

"Well, where is she? The trial's tomorrow and Sharrick's getting all cocky and confident. He's gonna smear your agent all over the stand if she's not prepared," she replied. I rolled my eyes and went up to Hotch's office.

"Thanks for the reminder Patricia. Not like I'm standing right here or anything," I muttered. We went inside and Hotch closed the door behind us, drawing the curtains so nobody could see.

"I don't see why we're having this meeting. I have testified before," I said.

"As a witness, not a victim. Believe me, there's a big difference. Your expertise won't only be challenged, but also your mental capability," Hotch said.

"All I have to do is get up there and tell the jury what a psychopath Sharrick is," I replied, "He looks the part, you gotta admit,"

"Well, it's his and his lawyer's job to make him look more then half-decent in front of the jury. I gotta say, you didn't really help your case by getting into that van with him," Patricia said.

"I didn't have much of a choice. He was gonna kill Fiona," I replied.

"He is gonna argue that you got into that truck willingly, and he's saying that the two of you devised the plan together," she told me.

"Are people really gonna buy?" I asked.

"All due respect, but when you worked major crimes, how many unsubs have you watched freely out of that court room?" Hotch asked. I sighed and nodded.

"Too many," I replied.

"So let's make sure Sharrick isn't added to that list. Sit," she told me. I obeyed like some pet dog and sat in one of Hotch's chairs.

"Okay, we're going to go over that night and make sure that your account is consistent," she said.

"What are they saying?" I asked.

"What all rapists say; it was consensual," Hotch replied. I stood up in a rage.

"Did they see that video? They thought I wanted that!?" I shouted.

"Nobody is saying that. But as far as the video goes, Sharrick is unrecognizable. It's inadmissible," she replied.

"It's stupid," I muttered as I sat back down.

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