6 - Twisted

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"Go for Greatness!" that was another one of Garcia's famous lines.

"Did you do what I asked?" I asked her.

"You know I did, sir. Have to say though, Kennedy makes Maggie Fitzgerald look like a six year old doing amateur ballet," she said. "Kennedy grew up in El Paso, Texas. She has an older brother, Brian Russo, he would be in his late thirties by now. She went to high school at El Paso Central; graduated top of her class, was two points away from making it to valedictorian," she said.

"Smart girl," I said.

"She is; and she probably would've made valedictorian if she wasn't so involved in kick-boxing and self-defense training. She is a black belt in karate, and has received several gold medals for boxing matches. No wonder she has that hot little bod," she said.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Hmm...oh! This is cool...and pretty bad ass too," she said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Detective Russo also has sniper training skills, due to the fact that daddy was an instructor for a military base; he is retired now. Mom was a book keeper, she died four years ago from an aneurism," a beep sounded from the other end, "Hey, this is weird," she said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Kennedy applied for the national guard as soon as she graduated high school, but a year later she was given a general discharge, and there's a suit claim here for her. Been sealed since 2000," she replied.

"Can you open it?" I asked.

"I think so," another beep sounded, "Oh...oh no, this isn't good," she said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Sir, I can't open the file. I-I don't have the clearance," she replied.

"Put in my name and credentials," I ordered. She typed, but another beep sounded.

"It didn't work. Sir, the FBI doesn't have clearance to open the file," she replied.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but could you try to hack in?" I asked.

"I could, but this file was graded level seven. Sir, if I hack into this file, and they trace it back to me, we could both lose our jobs and go to jail," she said. I wasn't about to risk my job over a file.

"I understand, I'll keep you posted," I told her.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry," I hung up after that.


"Do you feel like talking Mr. Occuro?" I asked.

"You pulled a gun on me," he replied.

"You assaulted a police officer," I said.

"She never identified yourself. I'm not psychic," he replied.

"No, just psycho," JJ said. I pulled out the crime scene photos of our victims.

"Who are they?" he asked.

"These are all women who had one thing in common. They were chosen, tortured, and murdered, by you," I replied.

"No, I love women," he said. "And anyone who knows me will tell you that," he said.

"Anyone who knows the real you is dead Mr. Occuro," JJ said.

"Well, I have never seen these women before," he said.

An Emblematic Woman ● S. Reid | ✓Where stories live. Discover now