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"Our unsub is an L.D.S.K, that's an anagram for Long Distance Serial Killer," Hotch said. "He hunts his victims from afar, he plans out his kills,"

"He's an experienced sniper with military training, he grew up in the foster system, bounced around from home to home," Morgan said.

"He's been failed by the Detroit justice system, and he's released rage he's been keeping for years. He's dangerous," Rossi said.

"Reginald Bunker was a child molester and murderer, our unsub was one of his victims. When he ran away, he was young and impressionable; possibly ages five through nine," JJ said.

"He tanked in school, he never felt like he belonged. That was until he was recruited by the Ojala Gang. But something changed, and after that he was recruited into the army, perhaps military school or youth academies. So check records of all three in the area of boys who enrolled between the ages of 14 through 21," Kate said.

"He's out now, so he would be in his mid to late thirties, early forties tops," I said.

"Is he going after senators now?" an officer asked.

"It's too early to tell, but his message is directed towards the justice system. His preferred targets are bound to be judges, lawyers, guards...even cops," Reid said.

"That doesn't mean he'll stick to this pattern, given the wrong trigger, he may fire out into public crowds," Morgan said.

"He'll be charming, charismatic, and motivated. But if threatened, he will lash out into violence. He's a trained sniper. In most cases, snipers operate behind enemy lines and must be aware of the basics of survival such as moving tactically toward their targets. He's in and out before anybody can see him," I said.

"It's important to look at men who take breaks in between jobs. Instead of working consistently, he's already surveying and mapping out his next attack," Kate said.

"What also important is the way he kills. A sniper has the ability to literally blow off somebody's head. A convict in front of the courthouse is one thing, a major senator creates a media spectacle. He enjoys the attention," JJ said.

"It's important to remain hyper vigilante; nobody goes anywhere alone. Ground patrols won't be enough, air patrols will be needed too," Rossi said.

"And let's stress that he is a white male. He's angry. Do not approach him alone, he is armed and dangerous. Nobody tries to be a hero," Hotch said. "Thank you," the officers were dismissed. I brushed some hair free from my face and sat on one of the desks. Kate came and sat with me.


"Hey," she chewed on her lip, then looked down at her shoes.

"What?" I asked.

"I heard you had some experience in this whole sniper business. Is it true about the deal where they can stay awake for 72 hours?" she asked.

"Very. My dad started out as an officer for the national guard. Even while I was growing up, he was be awake until four or five o'clock in the morning. My mom always called him nocturnal," I replied.

"Mmm, did your dad teach you all that?" she asked.

"Yeah. I grew up in the rough part of town and I was 'daddy's little girl'. He wanted to make sure I could take care of myself," I replied.

"I'm trying to get my niece interested in self defense. With everything we see, I can't afford to be too careful," she said.

"I get it. If you're looking for good trainers, I'm happy to oblige," I told her.

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