33- Facts, Fax

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Man as an individual is a genius. But men in the mass form the headless monster, a great, brutish idiot that goes where prodded. ~ Charlie Chaplin


"Naomi Bushwick is married, has been for six years. She has two-year old Jason Bushwick, adorable BTW, and she goes for a run every morning with her sister," Morgan and I were on the phone with Garcia as we drove down to Millcreek park, the very park with Jason Bushwick was found.

"Seems normal," he said.

"Yes, a little too normal for my liking, but I shall keep digging and get back to you," she said.

"Over and out," I hung up the call. Then it was just silence...well, we had the sirens going, but besides that, there was just silence between us.

"You wanna talk about what happened this morning?" Morgan asked me.

"Drive Derek," that was my answer.

The park was taped off as an official crime scene, witch the CSU and other officers roaming the area. We flashed our badges to the guards and they let us pass.

"Alright Russo, first impressions?" Morgan asked.

"The stroller was left here," I pointed to the drag marks in the dirt, "So the unsub, or unsubs must have had a car waiting, forces her inside, drives out," I said.

"There are footprints in the dirt here, possibly a size six," he said.

"Hers," I said.

"Which lead straight into here," He bushed back the branches of a large bush, "Perfect spot for a rape,"

"It's isolated, no view of from any direction. But why abduct her after raping her?" I asked.

"Did you see the underwear? Those weren't just ripped, they're shredded," he replied.

"Thin blade, maybe a box cutter?" I guessed.

"Hard to say no to, especially if he's threatening the baby," he said.

"Note was stuck to the kid with duct tape, probably used that to gag and blind her too,"

"This guy was prepared, he blitzed her, she didn't seem to put up much of a fight,"

"She was protecting her child, it's a mother's instinct," I sighed. Morgan cocked an eyebrow, "Don't give me that look,"

"I'm just concerned about you-"

"I'm gonna tell you for the last time, leave it alone," 

"He's given us a day to figure out where she is," Rossi said.

"And he signed the note, Robert Daryl Kenprith. Not sure if it's just an alias or not," Kate said.

"Okay, but tomorrow? Does that mean same time tomorrow? Or midnight tonight?" I asked.

"Let's just assume worst case scenario. That gives us a little over thirteen hours to find Naomi," Hotch said.

"Figures the prints on the baby's stroller are mom's. No hits in the system," Garcia reported, "Only prints on the note are from the sister,"

"Well, what about the name?" Morgan asked.

"There's no listing in Quantico for a Robert Kenprith. The closest one is Maryland," Reid said.

"Alright, you and Russo go talk to him," Hotch said. I wasn't thrilled with that, I wasn't ready to work with Reid just yet. I was still mad at him.

An Emblematic Woman ● S. Reid | ✓Where stories live. Discover now